“Rob is not a loser,” Brittany screams back. She doesn’t care if anyone hears her. She’s so fucking mad at me that her fists clench and I almost worry that she’ll be crazy enough to assault me.

“That man is definitely a loser. He only wants to use you, Brittany. I told you once and I’ve told you a hundred times, you deserve someone far fucking better than some guy who would risk you going to prison for a high.”

Brittany’s fists unclench, and her anger gives way. Her shoulders slump and she looks away from me.

“There’s no one,” she says with a shudder. “Once he dies, there’s no one.”

She’s so fucking scared of losing her dad. I want to show her she doesn’t have to be alone but I don’t know how to do that without blowing my life up. I want to prove to her that…

“He’s not going to die,” I tell her firmly, because it’s the only thing I can get away with saying right now.

“Yes,” she whispers. “Yes, he is.”

“No. He isn’t.”

“I’ll still be all alone,” she whispers, her eyes gazing nervously up at me. She takes her time to look at me and it scares the crap out of me how pretty she is. Harry’s little girl wasn’t supposed to grow up. She was supposed to be the kid we dragged to the movies or to the gym with us forever. She wasn’t supposed to become… beautiful.

“You won’t be alone,” I whisper. “You will never be alone.”

“Shut up, Fletcher,” she replies with a trembling voice. “It’s only a matter of time before you find a nice white girl and move to Buffalo or whatever.”

A nice white girl. Damn it, Brittany.She holds the same opinions of me that most people in this town do. They see my navy uniform, my blond hair and my summer sky eyes and think they know all the ways I think and feel about the world. But it ain’t true. I might be a Sweeney and my family has lived amongst these dairy farms and gently rolling hills for generations, that’s true. But I hold on to no foolish notions that skin color ought to make a difference in who we love.

Her eyes lock with mine, and the most powerful urge to fuck up my entire night overwhelms me.

“No,” I say firmly. “That won’t fucking happen because I’ve already found a nice girl, and she’s the furthest thing from white you can find.”

Brittany opens her mouth to protest, but I stop her lips with mine before she can say anything. Little girl, let me be the one to ruin this, because I would never be able to live if you blame yourself for how I feel. I grab her cheeks and kiss her with all the feelings I’ve held back from her. I love her. I love her so fucking much it hurts.

She’s my family, just like her dad, and I know I shouldn’t touch my best friend’s daughter, but she’s a teary-eyed mess, and she thinks she’ll be all alone in this world forever. I can’t let Brittany think even for a second that I would abandon her. I care about her too much to let that happen.

“I don’t believe you.”

“Believe it. And also, Britt? You are so under arrest.”

* * *


I’m Under Arrest


Ithink Fletcher is joking at first, because I didn’t commit any stupid crimes, but the annoying asshole literally reads me those stupid “Miranda Rights” and throws me in the back of his car with Rob before driving us to the local police station.

Having to sit next to Rob after all this hurts worse than a punch to the gut. If I ever get free, I’ll kill Fletcher Sweeney… I swear. I get trying to teach me a lesson, but were the handcuffs necessary?

“Rob doesn’t even have handcuffs!” I yell at him, but Fletcher remains unmoved.

Rob keeps glaring at me like he’s going to hit me, but I ignore him. Fletcher starts the car and puts on the flashing lights and everything. This is fucking mortifying…

I’m ignoring both of them right now. Fletcher is crazy and what the hell is he going to send me to jail for? I never accepted Rob’s stupid pills.

Fletcher walks Rob inside, and then he pulls me out of the car. He grabs my forearms and then removes my handcuffs. If my wrists weren’t so damn stiff, I would smack him.

“I thought I was under arrest,” I snap, instead of adding assault to my potential list of charges.

“There’s a way out of this,” he says. “You can go back to my place and we talk…”