Now it’s time to go home and start wrapping these toys. I have to plan a special way to give them out at the hospital. Just dropping them off and letting the already overworked staff do it just isn’t going to work for me.

But that is a task for another day.



Mara has lost her ever-loving mind. She got a 9 foot tree for our house, and the thing is a damn beast. It fell over twice before we finally got it up and in place. It's right in front of our living room window that overlooks the beach. I must say, now that it's in place, it looks pretty damn cool. It'll look even better when we hang all the ornaments on it.

"Where the hell do we start?" I ask the simple question, as we all just stare at it. Noah leaves the room, retrieving a stepladder. He gets to work putting the star tree topper on that Mara just bought. She also starts handing him ornaments to decorate the top, seeing how he's already on the ladder.

Abel is missing in action, and if he went and hid in the bathroom to get out of helping, he has another thing coming. I'm just about to go drag him off his throne when he walks into the room with only his boxers on. They readKiss My Mistletoe, right over his junk. Jesus be a whole stack of bibles because I'm going to thump the crap out of him. Then the laughter starts, even Mara is cracking up, and I can't help but smile.

He's a weirdo, but he's my weirdo.

"Here, bro. I didn't want you to think I forgot about you. I thought our ladies deserved a show tonight."

Abel throws a pair of boxers at Noah. He holds them up for us to see, and they readJingle My Balls. I would, but I don't think Mara or Abel would appreciate that. I kid, I kid. I'll leave the jingling of hot cop’s balls to his woman. Noah steps down from the ladder and with a shrug of his shoulders, he strips down to his boxers. He's just about to pull them down too when Mara stops him.

"No, sir. I don't need Brenna the horn dog seeing what's mine. Go change in my bedroom. Please and thank you. Lord, help me. You guys are going to put me in an early grave, I swear. Now I know how my momma felt having to deal with me and Brenna."

Noah comes walking out of Mara's bedroom, and I have to say, my girl is hella lucky. He's like a brother to me, but I can still appreciate his glorious abs. Is that too weird? Okay, maybe a little.

"Damn, bro. You've been working out without me again? Those shiny abs of yours are blinding me."

Noah smacks Abel in the gut, and he lets out a loud grunt. My man hasn't worked out a day in his life, unless you count sexy times. That's a whole other workout. Mara thinks I'm a horn dog? Abel's like the damn energizer bunny in bed, let me tell ya. Anyways, we're getting off track and need to finish this tree. I'm suddenly hungry for more than just food.

"Okay, boys. The pissing contest ends now. We have a tree to decorate, but first, we need this image immortalized on camera."

I whip my phone out and snap a pic before Noah can stop me. Having some good ole' blackmail against a cop is pure gold. Not that I'd ever need it. He's the golden child of the group. The man doesn't even spit on the sidewalk and never passes up an elderly person in need of help. We could all learn a thing or two from him.

One of my most fond memories as a teenager was volunteering at the VA Hospital with Mara and her mom. We spent many holidays visiting with the vets, listening to their stories, and passing out gifts. It started out as punishment for being greedy one Christmas but turned into one of the best times we've ever had. Mara's mom was trying to teach us that Christmas wasn't about how many gifts you had under the tree but more about giving to others in need. Spending time with loved ones. Singing Christmas carols and just being in the moment.

"Babe? You with us?" Abel is staring at me with curiosity shining in those big beautiful blue eyes of his. He's gotten used to me zoning off because it seems to be something I do quite often. I give him a nod, and he kisses my forehead then both of my cheeks. He may drive us all nuts at times, but he's also one of the sweetest humans I've ever known.

"Well, isn't that the sweetest thing I've seen all day. You shock me sometimes, my little doofus." Mara ruffles Abel's hair like a toddler. Of course, being his ridiculous self, he starts thumping his leg like a dog. He’d better calm down or his junk is going to fall right out of those boxers, and then Mara will really have a shock.

"So, Brenna, when is Elsie coming down? I miss my sweet lady." That would be my old neighbor, who is like family to me and Hippie. Noah only gets away with calling her his lady because Mara loves her. Everyone's embraced her now too, which makes me so happy. The first time Abel met her, I thought he was going to hitch a ride home with her. She spoiled him and Noah rotten. Baked goods every day. I think they both gained 5 pounds in the week she was visiting. I don't know what magic she puts in her pastries, but the boys were definitely under a food spell.

"She'll be down the week of Christmas. Abel and I will go and get her. I want it to be a completely stress-free trip for her, which means she doesn't need to be taking the 2-hour drive on her own. She made a fuss about it, but I won in the end." I may have bribed her with every trick in my book. Elsie is a very independent woman and doesn't like to be fussed over. She deserves it though, and so much more. God sure got it right when he made her. She's been a light in my life, and my cheerleader through some tough times, and I want her to have the best Christmas ever.

We continue decorating the tree, and before I know it, it's done. It looks amazing, and we all just stare at it for a bit. Not bad for our first tree in our new home. Mara is teary-eyed and elated, as she says, "A job well done, team. For your efforts, I'll be making you a fabulous dinner. Now buzz off for a bit so I can get to cooking. Oh, and boys? Maybe put on some clothes while you're at it."

Abel and Noah look down at their boxers, seeming to forget they're both half naked. Trust me when I say, I sure as shit didn't forget. Those boys came from excellent genes, let me tell ya. After Abel gets dressed, he grabs my hand and pulls me outside. It's a somewhat warm night, which is strange, seeing how it's December and we're at the beach. When we get to the little garden patio on the side of our house, I grin like a fucking loon. It's lit up with twinkle lights, candles, and a roaring fire pit. Our shitty plastic chairs have been replaced with a brand new wicker patio set, complete with blankets and oversized fluffy pillows. It's absolutely beautiful.

"I had Spencer fancy this place up while we kept you and Mara occupied with the tree decorating.” I must say, my dude went above and beyond. “I thought my girls deserved a special place to hang out and relax. Happy holidays, my queen."

I'm speechless, which doesn't happen. Ever! Spencer is one of Abel's employees at the tattoo shop and an all-around good friend too. He outdid himself for sure. A tear rolls down my cheek, and it's swiftly wiped away by Abel's hand. I grab his neck and pull him closer, kissing his lips with everything in me.

"I love this so fucking much, and I love you for being the sweetest jerk around."

Our moment of bliss is shattered when I hear Mara's mom-voice behind us.

"If you two horn dogs are getting it on in my garden, you’d better be prepared to buy me new plants. The last time this happened, you…" She stops mid-sentence when she takes in the sight of our revamped area. Noah follows behind and wraps her in his arms. He's even impressed.

"Damn. Nice job, brother. I didn't know you were such a romantic."

I don't think I've ever heard Noah give Abel a compliment before. He's usually yelling at him for being an idiot, so this was a nice change. Don't get me wrong—Noah would take a bullet for his brother. Their bond is tight, just like me and Mara's, but Abel does stupid shit. Often.