“Fat roll,” Brenna scowls, “You don’t have a fat roll.”

“Eh, I do, and I really don’t care. Noah loves me, so that is all that matters.”

I dodge her fingers. Heffa was gonna pinch me, I just knew it. I hold a finger up at her as I rush to find my ringing cell phone. It’s at the bottom of my bag, somewhere. With a grunt, I pull it free.

“Hello.” I stick my tongue out at Brenna as she stalks closer, still making that damn pinching motion. “Yes, speaking.” If she comes closer, I’m gonna smack her.

I stand there for a moment and listen to the woman on the phone. I’d been to the doctor this morning to have some bloodwork and labs run, a normal routine that is done every six months for me. Happens when you’re anemic. Blah. I figured she was going to say to up my iron and/or vitamin D, but that isn’t what she says. Oh no.

“Your labs have come back and it looks like congratulations are in order. You’re pregnant.”

My knees buckle, and I go down where I stand. My phone is clutched in my hand so hard, it hurts. Tears immediately pool in my eyes. “Th-thank you. Yes…” The call ends.

“Mara!” Brenna’s yell has the back door sliding open and Noah rushing in.

“What happened?” He falls to his knees at my side, taking my face in his hands. “Baby, what is it?”

I blink, my tears making his features hard to make out.

I am unable to put it together. I need a minute to process what she’s just told me. The words are there; they just, for lack of a better word, scramble my damn brains.

“Mara Louise Lawson, if you don’t say something, I’ll smack the words out of you!”

I snort and shake my head. Noah keeps my gaze on him though.

“That was the doctor’s office…” Tears start to fall in earnest now. “I’m…pregnant.”

The room around me goes utterly silent for about a tenth of a second, then the shouting starts. Noah leans in and kisses me so hard, I go boneless.

“Fuck yes! I’m going to be the best auntie. I need to start shopping.”

That gets my attention, but I can’t look away from my husband. His reddened cheeks, the tears falling from his eyes—it is the most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen.

“Pregnant?” he asks in a whisper.

I nod, pulling my bottom lip between my teeth. Pregnant. Just when I was thinking it may not happen. I’ve hoped to have a baby, his baby. We’ve been trying but not ‘trying’, but every time I’d get my hopes up, my period would start. It wasn’t regular on a good day, so…it was always a guessing game.

“I love you.” I kiss him again before he can speak. When I pull back, a furry body shoves us apart, and Hippie starts licking us both. Laughing, I wrap one arm around the dog and another reaches for Noah’s hand. A moment later, I am being pulled to my feet.

“I love you, Mrs. Lawson, more than I have words. This is the best gift you could ever give me.”

“I could say the same, handsome.”

“Does this mean I have to stop scaring you? I don't want to hurt the baby,” Abel says, his brows pulled together.

I scowl. “You should stop that so you stay breathing, doofus.”

He comes over, pushes Noah out of the way, and hugs me tight. I lose the air in my lungs for a moment. When he pulls back, there is a look on his face I’ve never seen before. A serious look at that. “You’re going to be a great mom.” He lets me go and moves to Noah. They share a tight hug and a whispered conversation while Brenna hugs me. I rest my head on her shoulder as I speak.

“Don’t start shopping yet…” I laugh softly. “We don’t know the details yet. Okay?”

“I make no promises.”

We stand there for a long while, just embracing this new change in our lives.

“I wish Gran was here to see this. She would be tickled.”

“Yeah, but she’s here. Ya know.”