We go back inside and have a delicious dinner of chicken parmigiana, roasted vegetables, and crispy garlic cheese bread. Like usual, I ate more than anyone and could still go for round three. Mara and I decide a night cap outside in our garden seems fitting. I grab the bottle of wine and glasses and meet everyone out there. I see many future evenings spent here. It's the perfect touch to our home. A home that we'll share in the future with Noah and Abel, if I have my way. It's big enough for us all to have our own space, and I can't think of a better place for us to share more memories and happy times.

After a few glasses, the mood turns serious, which wasn't my intention. Noah and Abel don't talk much about their parents, and I've always wondered where they came from. I was reminiscing about the first time Mara's mom caught us sneaking into the liquor cabinet and the hell we got after. So I innocently asked Noah if they ever got into their parents’ liquor, like most teens do. His response leaves me and Mara on the verge of tears, but seeing Abel's face, so stoic, stops me from making a scene. This isn't about how I'm feeling; it's about them sharing a piece of their past with us and trusting us with it.

"Our mother, Evelyn, was a beautiful and loving woman. When I was a teenager and Abel still a kid, she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. It was fast moving, and she was gone within less than a year. My father didn't take it well. He began drinking heavily and became a shell of a man, forgetting about his sons. In doing so, Abel became an angry teenager who started fighting and getting into trouble. He blamed our father and his drinking. One night, he collected all the liquor bottles in our house and started pouring them down the kitchen sink. Our father happened to walk in, and it ended with Abel getting a black eye and a fat lip, and our father being arrested for assault. We never saw him again after that night. While we were both out of the house one day, he collected his shit and bailed. I'd like to think he did it to save us from his mess, but who knows? I was of legal age to be Abel's guardian, and the rest is history. We never saw dear old dad again and never tried to find him. If he wanted us in his life, he'd find us. We made our lives what we wanted them to be. I became a cop to help others in trouble, and Abel became a tattoo artist to release the aggression that built up inside of him. It helped him heal. It helped us both heal. I think our mother would be proud of the men we are today."

Mara and I hug our guys close and whisper a thank you to Evelyn for giving them to us. We make a promise to love them the way they always deserved to be loved, and they make the same promise back.

I can finally say, I love my life.



Why is it so hard to find the perfect gift for people?

I’ve spent the last twenty minutes staring at a row of hoodies on the screen before me and yet, I still don’t know which one to get Brenna. Closing my laptop, I decide to take my ass to the thrifty music store in Warrenton. They’ll have something. I just know it.

Pulling my bag over my head, I let it rest on my hip. “Hippie, don’t pee on the tree while I’m gone, kay? Be a good boy and I’ll bring you back a toy.” I scratch his ears before grabbing my keys.

The drive to Warrenton is quiet and boring. This being home all the time is driving me nucking futs. Ugh, I don’t know how people do this all the time. I am on the verge of losing the small bit of sanity I have.

What I need to do is sit down and make a few adult decisions. What I want to do with the storefront shop. Do I want to open a small, cozy restaurant? The space is big enough for that. Or, I could, with a little work, do a deli style restaurant. A few tables for those who want to eat inside. Or a hot bar deli. Soups, hot sandwiches. Cheesesteaks with all the fixings on toasted rolls, grilled chicken and Swiss on ciabatta bread.

Damn. I am making myself hungry.

I pull into the parking lot by Mike’s Music & Instruments and find a spot close to the building. Once the SUV is off, I pull the keys out and slip them into my bra. This time of year, people like to snatch bags. I always keep my cell phone and keys where I know no one can easily get them.

You might pick my pocket, but you put your hand down my shirt and you’ll lose it.

I hurry to type a message for Noah.

Me: I’m at Mike’s Music in Warrenton. Going to try and find something for Brenna.

He answers back quickly.

Noah: Be careful. I’m off in about two hours. Want to meet me for lunch?

Me: Absolutely! Where?

Noah: Moe’s?

Me: Deal. See you there. Love you.

Noah: Love you too.

With a goofy grinon my face, I climb out of my SUV and make my way inside. The store is full of music, memorabilia, and enough instruments for a full-on marching band. And then some.

I walk around, making sure I look at every display, each T-shirt, hoodie, and anything in between.

I end up with a skull hoodie for Brenna. The skull has a rose in its mouth with the words “bite me” under it. It makes me laugh, and I know she’ll love it. I also have a black onyx skull-shaped pen holder for Abel. It fits him and will look cool in his station at the shop. I get lucky and find a signed vinyl of AC/DC’s albumHighway to Hellfor Noah. It has a certificate of authenticity and everything. I have to haggle the price a good bit, but thanks to Google, I get it for a good price, not some sky high, overpriced price.

I make my way back out to the SUV and climb in. I’ve spent a lot more time here than I’d planned to. That’s okay though. I have a half hour until I am going to meet Noah at Moe’s. Just enough time.

Pulling into the lot beside Moe’s, I grin seeing Noah propped up against his car. He’s in his dark blue polo with the Sheriff’s office logo and his khaki cargo pants. Yum. Though let’s be real, he’d be just as delicious in a paper bag.

“You been waiting long?” I ask as he opens my door.

“Just got here. Hi,” he says, leaning in to kiss me stupid. My body goes limp against him.