“I get that. I hate that this happens. Everyone should be able to enjoy the beauty of the season.”

“Me too, baby. I gotta go, have a meeting in ten minutes.”

“Okay, love you.”

“I love you too. Thanks for helping out.”

“You’re welcome; I’ll be awaiting my repayment later.”

His groan makes me smile wide. “Tease.”

“You love it. See you later, stay safe out there.”

“You too. Bye, sweetheart.”


Ending the call, I take a minute to settle my racing heart. The man is my world and just knowing he is out there, doing a job he loves but is dangerous, makes me worry. And there is no helping it.

I put the address for Wal-Mart into the GPS and pull out of the parking lot. I find a radio station that is playing Christmas music and start to sing along. At least if I am alone, I don’t have Brenna making gagging sounds. I will make her little Grinch heart grow, dammit.

Noah’s big heart has him drawing names from the hospital's Secret Santa Tree. It makes me decide to make a stop before I go to Warrenton. I stop outside the hospital, smile, and grab my bag.

Thirty minutes later I am climbing back into the SUV with a handful of Santa-shaped pieces of paper in my hand. After a long chat with the women at the front info desk, and a few tears, I couldn’t leave them there. My heart was heavy with the story of those kiddos. Being sick was bad enough, but to be stuck in the hospital…and during Christmas.

Then there were the kids who needed something under their tree. Their parents were struggling. We’ve all been there in one way or another. There was no way I could pass up doing something special for the lot of them.

When I arrive at Wal-Mart, I am a woman on a mission. Tree and toys. I can do this. I have at least forty pieces of paper here. I snag a few rolls of clear tape and a buggy.

Three hours later…I’m regretting this solo trip. I really could use help. My feet hurt, my hip hurts from bending and squatting so much. I have three buggies of stuff, and let’s just say they are a tad heavy to push.

Giving in, I pull out my phone and hit Brenna’s number.

“Heffa, you okay?”

“Yeah, but I need help.”

“Where are you? Are you hurt?”

“Is she okay? What happened?” I hear Abel in the background.

Good, the more hands on deck, the better. “I’m okay. Nothing is wrong, I just need more hands. This list of stuff is too much just for me.”

“List? Woman! I told you not—”

“Hush. This isn’t for me, or us. I went to the hospital and took names from the Secret Santa tree. I’m getting toys for kids who are stuck in the hospital and some who are locals who just need a little help this season.” My voice cracks. I am not going to cry. I am not.

“Oh, Mara. You big softy. Where are you? Abel and I will come help you.”

“Wal-Mart in Warrenton. Toy aisles. Just look for the puddle of a woman on the floor.” I laugh halfheartedly.

“We’ll be there in about 20 minutes.”

“Thanks, B.”

When the call ends, I go back to the pieces of paper in my hand then to the buggies. I’d started with the tree. I had a 9 foot Douglas fir, pre-lit with white lights. Thankfully there had been a gentleman loading a tree of his own who helped me get it in the buggy. The beast probably weighs more than I do.

A new tree skirt and a larger cotton cloud of fabric that would go under it were also in that buggy. And I didn’t know if I had a tree topper, so we now have a large star that also lights up. I’d left that section quickly. I was sure Brenna would strangle me for buying more decorations when I had so many already.