The shower is short and sweet but successfully energizes me. I have my coffee and scone in hand, and we're ready to roll out to Blarney Castle. Ireland has been nothing short of breathtaking, but the castles? That's a whole other world. It truly makes you feel like a princess, walking hand in hand with your prince.

"Dude! Check it out! It's massive! Like my balls. Right, babe?"

That would be my prince. Mara must be over her spicy mood from yesterday because she even laughs at Abel. Honestly, I think this trip has been an eye opener for us all. We've had time to talk and laugh, just the four of us. Abel might be a pain in the ass at times, but he loves with his whole heart, and Mara sees that. It's important to me that they love each other. After all, we're stuck together forever.

Abel's right, though. Blarney Castle is massive! Standing outside of it, I feel like one of those kids in the movie,Honey I Shrunk the Kids. If it's this beautiful on the outside, I can't wait to see the inside. The outside scenery is straight out of an old folktale and looks sort of like a labyrinth, and the castle is smack dab in the middle of it all. Sixty acres of trails and land to explore, and we'll be doing just that after the tour of the inside.

As we enter the castle's double doors, it's like we’re stepping back into medieval times. Game of Thrones, anyone? Mara is on the exact same wavelength as I am, when she says, "I have no words. Before anything stupid comes out of your mouth, Abel, shut it!"

Reading him like a book, Abel opens his mouth to probably say something stupid, as Mara said, but quickly closes it. Good boy. She's training him well. I need to know her secret. Mara grabs my hand, and we walk ahead of the boys, who are discussing swords and armor. Of course, they are.

"Brenna, this place is beautiful. This whole country is beautiful. My heart breaks, knowing we'll be leaving tomorrow. Can't we just stop adulting and stay here forever?"

Oh, no. Emotionally unstable Mara is back. She's squeezing me so tight, it feels like she's trying to pop a troublesome zit and crying on top of it. I'm no genius, but I really think she's giving off preggo vibes. Would that mean her baby is an Irish citizen if her momma got knocked up here? I say, yes. I'm dying to hint about it to her, but in her already emotional state, I'll probably get punched.

We tour the castle and grounds for hours, even hitting the little gift shop, before we head to the Blarney Stone. Abel, being his usual saucy self, buys a beanie that simply says,Kiss A Legend. Mara and I find Christmas ornaments and small, pewter replicas of the castle to buy. My belly is rumbling, so I shout to the gang that it's feeding time.

"Let's go to the top of the hill, over there, and set a few blankets down. I've got the food in my bag that we grabbed last night at the hotel deli. I'm with Brenna, for once. I'm starving and could eat just about anything right now. Good thing I didn't listen to the boys and came prepared."

Mara's right. Abel and Noah didn't want to fuss with packing our own food, but us gals knew we'd be here most of the day and didn't want to rush trying to find someplace close to eat. Now, we can enjoy the beauty surrounding us while we stuff our faces. It's a win-win in my book.

Making it to the top of the hill, we have a perfect, panoramic view of the castle grounds. It's a view that will stay in my memories forever. Mara and her feelings must've rubbed off on me because I feel a few tears roll down my face, and I swipe them away.

"Family picture time. Perfect place to capture our last day in Ireland. It's been amazeballs, my people. I love you all like a nerd loves comic cons. Even you, Mara. I may actually love you the mostest."

Funny, real funny, Abel. We all know he loves me the most, but his gesture makes my bestie smile, so I won't correct him. We all sit in silence, eating and enjoying the gorgeous views around us. We, as people, need to do this more often. Everyone is so caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, we forget the beauty that surrounds us. It's a shame, and I plan to do this more often. It's the ultimate stress reliever.

"Hey, brother. I say you get off your lazy ass and race me down the hill. Winner gets a blowjob from his wife. Ladies? You in?"

I think about it before asking, "That seems so one-sided. What do we get if you win? I'm in if my kitty gets a licking."

Abel shouts yes and pushes Noah over as he races down the hill. A little too fast, might I add. He gets tripped up near the end of the hill and lands face-first in the grass. Noah barks out a laugh that draws the attention of people passing by.

"I knew that idiot brother of mine would make a fool of himself. It was inevitable. He deserves to win after that performance."

The three of us are dying of laughter, and Abel is just sitting at the bottom of the hill, spitting dirt and grass out of his mouth. He looks like a little kid who just dove into home base. It's quite adorable. Good thing I know my husband well enough to have packed some spare clothes in my backpack this morning. You never know what he'll get into. Just proves I'll be a pretty good mom, seeing how I take care of a man child on a daily basis, but I wouldn't want it any other way. Not that I'm even close to wanting kids. Maybe someday, just not today.

"Go wrangle your husband, heffa. I want to make our way to the Blarney Stone before we start packing and all that depressing shit. One last Irish hurrah."

Mara just wants to suck face at the kissing stone with Noah. Then again, I don't blame her because I want to do the same with Abel. If we all survive, that is.

I volunteer to go first, putting all my trust in my arms and legs, and make a final plea to Mara.

"If I don't make it, take care of Hippie and Abel for me, my sweet Mara. I'm not so light on my feet, and we all know this."

Why do you kiss the Blarney Stone upside down? It’s the only way to reach it. To kiss the stone, you climb to the top of the castle and lean backwards over a parapet while holding onto iron bars. Still with me, folks? The stone is located in the wall below, and you must kiss it to receive its gift. You have to lower your body down to actually get at an angle where you can reach it. Sounds crazy, right? It just might be, but what a rush it's going to be.

I've learned you have to take chances in life if you're ever going to find your perfect path. My path led me to this family of mine, and I'll thank my lucky stars until the day I die.

"Here goes nothing."



Candy, candy, and…you guessed it, more candy.

It’s not Halloween without a candy bowl and lots of the good candies. Even if that means I have to stand in this atrocious line in Hell-Mart. Again. Never send a man to do the candy shopping. It’s not that he didn’t get enough, he just got all the same. This sort of thing needs variety.