We decide that a night out for dinner and drinks is in order. Plus, Mara wants to talk more about her plans for the storefront she purchased. It's going to be an amazing addition to our little town, and she already has some cute little shops in place. One is a bakery, the other is a cute sweets shop, and the owners are super cool. Dana and Cindy have the magical touch when it comes to baked goods and homemade candy. They've also become pretty good friends of ours, which is nice, when you're working with one another to make a great business venture.

I get a mysterious vibe from Cindy and know there's more to her story than she's telling. I have a knack at knowing when someone's been through some shit in their lives. Must be the way I was raised, I suppose. Darkness has a way of finding others that have been down that same road. She's such a sweet person, and it hurts my soul to think someone has wronged her. You best know I'll sniff it out and help her any way I can.

Abel's buddy, Spencer, has a mad crush on her too. It's so damn cute. This moody, tatted-up dude goes into her shop almost daily and buys the same orange cream fudge. He's not one with words, so until Abel and I can get him to actually speak to her, this is his way of sneaking a peek. It cracks me up. Being friends with Abel, you'd think he wouldn't be so shy with the ladies. He's the calm to my man's storm, kind of like me and Mara.

Seated at our regular booth at Dooger's, my mouth is already salivating. The place smells like seafood heaven, and I'm all about it. They went all-out this year for Christmas too. There's a huge tree in the middle of the restaurant, with handmade decorations that sick children made. The owner brought all the supplies up to the hospital and the kids got to decorate their very own ornaments for the tree. It's beautiful and full of heart. After the holidays are over, they're auctioning the ornaments off, and all the proceeds will go back to the hospital.

"We'll have to bring Elsie here when she's visiting. She'll love this! This is also her favorite restaurant, and she'd kill us if we didn't get her some Dooger's chowder and lobster rolls, and I'm not dying over an unfed woman." Mara brings up the obvious. It's true. One of Elsie's favorite things in life is lobster rolls, and Dooger's has the best, in my opinion.

We're all stuffing our faces with food, and making light conversation, when I catch a glimpse of Cindy walking past the window. Looks like she's heading to her shop, so I excuse myself and make my way outside. I've wanted to catch her for days now and see if she's up for making me some holiday treats for the gang. Mara almost chokes on her shrimp when I leave before finishing my food. It doesn't happen often, so I get the shock value.

Cindy is fiddling with the lock on her store door, when I reach her. "Looks like you're having a knock down with your door there, friend."

She whirls around and almost knocks me out with her elbow, looking like she's just seen a ghost. Something is definitely wrong here. I can see the tension written all over her face.

"I'm so sorry, Cindy. I thought you saw me. Leave it to me to scare the shit out of you."

She laughs and excuses my lack of judgment. We finally get the door unlocked and make our way into the shop.

"I actually came here to ask you a question, or more a favor, I suppose. Would you be willing to make me some gifts for the boys and Mara for Christmas? Our good friend, Elsie, will also be down, and I'd like to get something for her too. I don't want to overwhelm you though. Are you sure you're okay? You seem a little on edge today. I hope I didn't add to it?"

Cindy looks at me with confusion and a little fear in her eyes. Jesus. I wish I knew what was going on with her. She looks defeated and extremely exhausted but puts on a good front for me. I know that front because I used to give it to Mara.

"I'm fine, Brenna, I promise. I'm just tired, that's all. It's been a busy few weeks with the holiday rush. I'm happy for the business though. I will definitely help you out. Just email me what you'd like me to make, and I'll make sure it's all ready in time for Christmas. Pinky promise, my friend."

I don't want to push her any more than I already have, so I'll let it be. For now. I just hope, for once, my intuition is off and I'm just being paranoid. I invite her over for Christmas Eve dinner before I say my goodbye, seeing how I know she's all alone here, but she declines my invitation. I figured she would but still wanted to put it out there.

Just as I'm leaving the shop, I run into Mara and the boys. Damn. I was hoping they'd still be eating. All that candy talk made me hungry.

"I know that look, heffa. Don't worry, I got you a doggy bag, and they threw in some extra cheese bread for your foodie ass. At this rate, you should just become a food reviewer and get paid for eating at restaurants. I think I might just employ you myself. I'm a damn genius!"

My sweet, sweet Mara. She knows the way to my heart. I definitely don't deserve her, but if anyone tries to take her away from me, they'd better pray for a quick and painless death. I kiss her forehead and let her know that this girl loves her with all my heart.

"Bless you, my child. My stomach thanks you. A food reviewer, huh? I like food and money, so that sounds amazing!"

Noah stares at us in disbelief. He should be used to our shit by now, but apparently we can still surprise him. Good to know.

"You two are so absurdly strange, but it works. Go figure."

Little does he know that I take that as a compliment. Normal is boring and not a part of my vocabulary. Again, he should be used to this. He has Abel for a brother, for criminy sakes.

The walk to our house is short and sweet, thank the heavens, because I have to pee like a racehorse. When I've done my business, Mara tells me what she discussed with the boys. She has a few great ideas for a new restaurant, and they all sound amazing. Anything she tries is bound to succeed because she's a phenomenal chef. People are going to freak over her food. I should know. I've been her willing guinea pig for years.

Mara asks how Cindy's doing, and I tell her what I'm feeling. She knows when I have my mind set to something, I won't give up, but warns me, "Don't push her too hard or you may just lose her as a friend. Let her make her own way, and if it's to you, then I'm always here to help."

I'm feeling frustrated and horny as hell, so Mara and Noah decide to go back to the boys’ place for the night, leaving me and Abel at our place. They both saw the lust in my eyes when I looked at Abel and were smart enough to not hang around. I need the release of frustration that I know my man is up for. Shit. He relishes in it. I down a couple shots of rum and barely get my dress off when Abel attacks.

"Leave the heels on, baby."

I do as he says, and he pushes me up against the wall, with one hand around my neck. Sparks fly through my entire body when he starts kissing me roughly, pushing two fingers inside my aching body.

"Fuck, Abel."

He whispers in my ear, "That's the plan, my queen." It doesn't take much to get my body amped up, and I hear the zip of his jeans. He lifts my ass up the wall, and I wrap my legs around him as he enters me with a violent thrust.

"Oh, god. Harder! Fuck me, my king."

My head slams against the wall, and instead of feeling the pain, all I feel is ecstasy. This man can ravage me to the world's end, and I'd still want more. We're both panting and on the verge of release, when I claw the fuck out of Abel's back, and he lets out a growl.