Not long after, Sylvie and Noelle exit. They walk to a small group, smiling as they near. Raphael, Cecile, Emile, Hadrienne, and Alexis are standing together.

“Are those girls being bitches to you?” Benoit asks, following my gaze.


“I wouldn’t worry about their opinion.”

I look at him, really look at him for the first time. After he’s asked me to keep my distance, I’ve respected his request. We never drive together any longer, but I’ve noticed him hastily shoving pastries down his throat in his car before following me to class.

“Do you eat croissants for breakfast every day?” I ask.

His face scrunches up. “What?”

“That can’t be healthy or good for your weight.”

He drags a hand over his stomach. “The girls aren’t complaining.”

“From now on, I’ll make you a smoothie.”

“A fucking what?”

“If you follow me, I may as well watch out for you.”

“I’m not following you. I’m protecting you. I’m the one watching out for you.”

I’m hurting inside, my chest throbbing like an open wound, but the banter is like a Band-Aid on a cut. Maybe it’s just a really good distraction.

“Well,” I smile, “all of that is about to change.”

“Here we go.” He rolls his eyes. “Now I’m your pet project.”

“Nothing like that,” I say, swatting him on the arm. “But you’re done pushing me away.”

“Listen here, lady. I missed five football matches because I’m trailing after you.”

“Then maybe we should eat lunch in a brasserie where you can catch up on your matches. Two birds with one stone.”

“Getting friendly with the staff?” a voice cuts in.

I turn. Alexis stands in front of me, dressed in a tux. My stomach roils. Vivid images of the woman he tortured run through my mind.

“It’s been too long,” he drawls.

“Not long enough,” I mutter.

He chuckles. “A sense of humor, too. No wonder my brother is so taken with you.”

I glance at where I left Maxime. He’s talking to his father. Maxime’s expression is dark and his gaze narrow as he regards Raphael from under his eyelashes. Raphael moves closer, saying something in Maxime’s ear. Maxime’s hand balls into a fist at his side.

“Speaking of which, how is my brother treating you?” Alexis asks.

“That’s none of your business.” I look over his shoulder. Benoit has moved a short distance away, discreetly giving us space, but he’s still within earshot.

“I was just going to say you’re always welcome at my place if you need saving.”

“I don’t think Maxime will appreciate you talking like that.”

“You were supposed to be mine,” he says with a wink. “It’s only natural that I watch out for you.”

“Like you did for that poor woman we found in your apartment?”

His smile is practiced. Underneath the gesture runs malice. “What woman?”

“I’ll never pretend it didn’t happen,” I say, lowering my voice.

“Calm down, Zoe. You think you know everything, don’t you?”

“I know enough.”

Laughing, he tips back his glass. “You have no idea.”

This evening has gotten too much. “Benoit, I’d like to go home.”

“Running?” Alexis asks. “Do I scare you, little Zoe?”

A strong hand closes around my upper arm. I look up into Maxime’s thunderous face.

“I told you to stay away from her,” Maxime says in a cold tone, slipping an arm around my waist and pulling me against his side.

“I can hardly avoid her at a social gathering.” Alexis’s gaze moves to his family. “Although, it seems everyone else is.”

A muscle ticks at Maxime’s temple. “If you want a fight, say so. Don’t pick one. I’m happy to take it outside.”

Alexis lifts his hands. “I come in peace.”

“Is that why you went behind my back again?”

“Father invited me to the club for lunch. The opportunity came up. It would’ve been foolish to waste it. If you’d been there more often like you’re supposed to be, you wouldn’t have to accuse me of stealing your fifteen minutes of fame.” He trails his gaze over me. “We all know where you prefer to spend your evenings.”

Sylvie’s voice rings over the noise of the crowd. “Zoe!” She makes her way over and takes my hands. “Where have you been? I’ve been looking all over for you. Look at you. What a beautiful dress. Did you make it?”

I pull away.

“Has Alexis been keeping you busy?” She pouts at her cousin. “Are you bothering my friend?”

“Just leaving,” he says, bowing in my direction.

“You do that,” Maxime grits out.

“What’s going on?” Sylvie asks when Alexis walks off.

“Nothing new,” Maxime says. His eyes remain fixed on his brother’s back as Alexis walks to the bar and orders a drink.

“I’m in town until Saturday,” Sylvie says. “Shall we grab some pizza? Girls’ night. You won’t mind, will you, Max?”

“Actually,” I say, “I have exams coming up.”

“What about the weekend after?”

“I’ll be putting all my time into my second level proposal.”

She makes a face. “That’s too bad. Promise you’ll call me?”

I barely manage a smile.