‘We really do have a problem, though.’

We move into my office and she closes the door behind her, which means we really do have a problem and it isn’t just Sarah being melodramatic. ‘Give it to me.’

‘Jerome Yearwood.’

I open my laptop and scan the papers that people have scattered around my desk. ‘What about him?’

‘Charles Wickman is trying to bring a case against him for fraud.’

I slam the pile of papers in my hand down on the desk. ‘Fraud over what?’

‘Haven’t you seen any of your emails?’

‘No, I… Just tell me, please.’

‘Well, the big problem is that Wickman went to Jerome and threatened to freeze his assets until the case is over, which obviously poses problems for Jerome’s clubs and hotels. But the biggest problem is that he’s launching his new rooftop bar this weekend.’

‘Wickman went directly to Jerome? That son of a bitch.’

‘That’s not the worst part. Jerome said he couldn’t reach you this weekend, and he’s worried about being served today, so he’s gone to Felman Richardson to represent him.’

‘He’s done what? Felman Richardson? That firm is a sack of shit.’

‘We know that, but to Jerome, they answered their phone when you didn’t.’

I drain my coffee and crush the cup in my hand before nailing it into my waste basket.

‘One fucking night.’ I knew I couldn’t have both.

‘I take it you’re referring to Becky?’

‘Not now, all right. Get me Jerome on the phone.’


‘Sarah, don’t push me this morning. Please.’

As she stomps out of the room, Marty stomps in. I hold up a hand before he speaks. ‘I know. I’m fixing it. Jerome won’t leave us. Charles Wickman will get what’s coming to him.’

‘Where the hell have you been, Drew? You were completely off the grid. Jerome is a lot of money to us.’

‘I’ll fix it, Marty.’

‘Make sure you do. Of all the times to start messing up, Drew, three weeks before the partnership vote is not it.’

I stand and ball my fists at my sides.Damn you, Becky.

‘I know. I’ll make it right.’

Sarah pops her head around the side of the door. ‘Drew, Jerome is on the line.’

‘Put him through.’

I pick up the receiver to a barrage of abuse from Jerome.

‘Jerome, listen, it’s not okay that I wasn’t there for you this weekend. It’s never happened in the six years I’ve been your attorney, and it won’t happen again.’

More abuse. I clench my free fist, digging my nails into my skin to stop myself from retaliating. Taking crap is not something I’m good at. Groveling is something I’m even worse at. All because I took a goddamn weekend off to impress some girl who I didn’t even wake up with this morning.