That, at least, was the truth.

Chapter 14


“Look! She loves it!” Misty was utterly absorbed in waving a purple stuffed lion with a bright pink mane in front of Onyx. Taylee’s dad held her in the crook of his arms. She’d been asleep when they walked in, but she was wide awake now, giggling wild baby laughter every single time Misty made the roaring noise with the lion. She swung it back and forth, roaring and roaring.

If Onyx laughed any harder, she was going to give herself hiccups that wouldn’t go away, and that would be utterly adorable.

When they’d walked in ten minutes ago, Kier had been informed by Grace that Taylee was just getting Clay to fix the sink. He’d offered to look at it, but Grace wouldn’t hear of a guest doing it.

Kier thought it had more to do with the sly looks that Grace kept sending over to Taylee’s friends. Melody and Lyric shared the loveseat in the living room, both of them utterly enchanted by the play going on in front of them.

They were all smitten with the baby. For someone so small, Onyx soaked up all the attention in the room. Everyone hung on every single giggle and goo, every kick and wave of her fist, those sweet dimples and her huge eyes.

“Smells good in here.”

They all turned at the sound of Clay’s voice. He went straight to the kitchen and didn’t give any of them a second glance. He looked like he wanted to make as fast an escape as possible.

Taylee was beyond beautiful in her purple hoodie and leggings. The hoodie had a rearing unicorn in front of a full moon. He hadn’t seen it before.

She smiled as soon as she saw him, but when she watched Misty and the lion, her eyes got that lovestruck look they always did. Not just when she looked at Onyx. When she looked at Misty too. She’d fallen instantly in love with both of them. Love at first sight did exist for some people, not only in a romantic sense. The kind of love he felt for her had only grown. He hoped it was always growing and getting deeper as he was wiser with the years that passed.

“Goodness! You’ve got her just roaring too.” Taylee swept in, holding out her arms. She sniffed Onyx and winced. “I think it’s time for a change.”

“I didn’t even smell anything,” her dad protested.

She grinned. “No worries, Dad. I’ve got it. Kier? Could you help me?”

“What about me?” Misty raced up to them eagerly. “I can change diapers.”

“Oh, thank you, honey.” Taylee balanced Onyx and put her hand on Misty’s hair. “That’s very sweet, but if you could help my mom set up for our painting, that would be great! We’re all going to paint tonight, even Kier!”

“Oh?” He cocked a brow. “This is the first I’ve heard about this.”

Taylee winked at Misty. “You can set up his spot for especially for him. I’m so excited to see what he comes up with.”

He followed her to her room at the back of the cabin. She had a bassinet in there. Setting Onyx down gently in the middle of the bed, she grabbed a diaper from the basket in the change station a few feet away. The thing of wipes also came with her.

“She’s fine,” she whispered. “I just needed to tell you something.”

“Oh?” He got down on his hands and knees and made a face at his daughter. She squealed with laughter again.

“My brothers have been looking for the guy. I guess I’m not the only one who keeps thinking about the expired deadline. He’s just out there, this nebulous threat. They’re not going to let it stand. I made Clay tell me that he wouldn’t act on his own if he finds him.”

“How are they going to find him?”

“Honestly, Kier, I’m not sure.” She undid Onyx’s onesie from the bottom, snap by snap. “I don’t really know the half of my brothers, it seems. Maybe they were always good with computers. I can’t remember, but it’s not like they’re going to tell me that they can creep on someone like that, or find people that don’t want to be found. They’re probably doing things that aren’t even legal.”

“Okay. So, if they find him, what’s the plan?”

“If they find him, I’m hoping I can tell by the way they look. I know when they’re lying. I know when they’re keeping something from me. I’ll watch them more closely. I get those feelings sometimes. Either through that, intuition, or raw animal sense, I’m hoping something warns me. I know they won’t want to talk to you about it, but you’re my mate. Will you check in with them?”

He wasn’t sure how forthcoming they would be with him either. He’d always be an outsider to Tay’s brothers, but he’d try. He’d do anything she asked him to. “I’ll make time to talk to them. Tonight?”

“I’ll set something up either tomorrow or the next day. As my mate, you have a right to this guy before they ever do. I hope they know that. I hope they can be convinced to come to you, if not to me.”

“I love that you want to protect your family before anything.”