“That’s not our law.”

“I don’t care. This was also because of me. I brought this on us. Let me fix it.”

Clay bristled. “I wish we could put this guy in the ground,” he hissed. “It’s where he belongs.”

“It’s not up to us to make that judgement. We don’t know his story.”

“You can’t possibly mean that. You can’t possibly be showing compassion for this piece of shit.”

“It’s not up to us to judge,” she stated again, so firmly that every word came out with its own hard breath. “No one is past redemption. We don’t kick people out of this clan. We get them help. That’s what we believe. That’s our code.”

“This guy isn’t from our clan. He’s not even a bear. That doesn’t apply.” Clay spat out.

“He might not be a bear, but he is a person, and we’re all a member of the human race too. If we lose that, then what are we? I thought the worst thing on earth was losing my memory, but it isn’t. It would be losing my humanity.” Taylee said, hoping something in her words would get through to Clay.

“I don’t like this. We might not bloody our hands, but you think Kier won’t kill us for this when he finds out I put his mate at risk?”

“Kier will most definitely not kill you or anyone else. He might be angry, but in the end, he’ll understand.”

This time, Clay balked so hard he took a step back. He shook his head vehemently. “He’s your mate. He’s going to lose his fucking mind.”

“If we don’t do this, then one of you is going to take it too far and you’ll have to spend the rest of your life knowing you took a life. That you committed murder. Even if this man won’t be missed. Even if everyone else would rather have him gone. Even if no one finds out. I cannot let you do that. I refuse to let any of us live like that. Clay. Do I have your word that you’ll help me?”

“I’ll help you.”

“And that you won’t go and get Kier for any reason.”

“I won’t go and get Kier.”

She had to spare him, no matter what. Part of being mated to someone was keeping them safe. Having their best interests at heart. She’d thought bringing Kier into this would be the best solution. She’d been ready to call him from her parents’ house, but now that she thought it all out, she was actually sure that keeping him away was the best way to keep him safe.

He’d want revenge against this guy as much as her brothers. He was rational and kind and calm and gentle, but if anything happened to her, or if he saw her squaring up with this guy, even going into battle, he’d lose his mind. He’d shift and there would be blood. He’d tear this guy limb from limb. At that point, he’d be in protective mate mode and there wouldn’t be anything rational remaining to stop him or slow him down.

“That you won’t take a life,” she said to Clay, prompting him to parrot the words back, but mean them.

“That I won’t take a life.”

“That you won’t let Jem take a life either, or anyone else.”

“I’ll stop you if you go too far as well. You have my word on it.”

“No accidents either. Do I have your word?”

He thumped his chest, and she could tell that he believed in and meant what he was saying. “You do. You have my word.”

Chapter 18


There had never been a single time in his life where he’d been more afraid.

That was a lie. He’d been scared to death right after Taylee had the accident. When she was unconscious and so small and frail in the clinic’s bed. He’d been even more afraid when she’d woken up and hadn’t known him. He made a promise right there to himself that no matter what came for them, he’d support her. He’d love her the way she needed to be loved, whether that was as the mother of his child or as a romantic partner, or as the mate of his heart and life.

Very few people got to experience real love the first time around. Now, he’d fallen in love with her twice. Or she’d fallen in love with him twice—he’d never stopped loving her so he’d never had to start all over again.

His heart was a misfiring motor as his truck screamed down the road. He was driving too fast. He couldn’t help it. He couldn’t stop.

Clay’s text played over and over in his head.