She watched Tavish’s face. Watched the man she knew to be strong and steady and able to handle just about anything get more flustered. He flushed slightly and his lips parted even further. He was pretty much gaping at her, struggling to keep his eyes on her face.

The boxers were looser fitting too, and she shucked them easily.

Without saying anything, she flopped back onto the bed and waited, her breath hitched so tight in her lungs, exhaling felt impossible. She’d been bold. She’d taken the lead. But now what?

She was lying naked, and even at twenty, she hadn’t been a ten or anything. Twenty wasn’t forty, though, and she knew there were places on her body that didn’t look so pretty anymore. Her breasts weren’t as pert, her hips were a little curvier than they ever had been, her butt was fuller than she’d like.

Tavish stood up, and when she opened her eyes, she found him looking down at her. With even more awe than before.

“Dear god, you’re so beautiful I can barely even breathe.”

Her first instinct was to scoff, but she fought against it with everything she had, just like she fought to cover her breasts or the parts of her that she thought of as less than perfect.

Tavish took her hand and helped her sit up. He pulled her straight into his arms and kissed her soundly. Kissed the doubt right out of her. She drowned in the sensation. She loved the way he cradled her in his arms. The fit of their bodies. The kiss wasn’t as red hot as it had been before. It was slower, but burned brighter because they were taking their time. She thought about every detail of it this time. About how right it felt to be with this man and how it still couldn’t change her mind because feeling right was just a feeling. It wasn’t a fact.

But damn it, she was going to have this night. She was going to have this night for herself and for him and nothing was going to change that or take it away from them.

Just because she was leaving didn’t mean that she wouldn’t find her way back. She wanted this more than she’d ever known she could want something or anyone.

After kissing her breathless, Tavish settled her on the mattress. He lifted her legs and put her feet on the bed, then guided her to the edge. He knelt down, parted her legs, and kissed his way up her thigh all the way to her center. He breathed deeply, taking her in, and then he licked her like she was everything in his world and he was obsessed with tasting her, pleasuring her, making her come undone.

She gasped and then whimpered, parting her legs further, giving Tavish access to all of her. Her hips bucked into his face, and he let them. He just adjusted himself accordingly. He teased her with his tongue, and then brought two fingers to her entrance. He didn’t give her what she wanted, even when she writhed against him. He teased her instead, until her hips were thrusting up and down, pumping against his tongue, trying to take him inside her. She was so empty. He could fill her. He could make her come with his fingers and his tongue and his lips and nothing would ever be the same in her life again, but she wanted to shatter for him like that.

It didn’t take long. The way Tavish teased her and licked her, sighing like he’d never tasted anything half so sweet in his life, brought her climax on hard and fast.

He licked her through all the moaning, thrashing pleasure. He licked her folds, strayed gently over her clit, teased at her entrance without giving her what she still craved enough though the pleasure was still sweeping over her. She felt like she could pass out with it, but the stars cleared fast, and the black edges followed. When she opened her eyes again, the room was filled with magnificent color.

And the most beautiful man she’d ever known. Inside and out. People said that and it always sounded so cheesy, but this didn’t feel cheesy. It felt like she was a river who had been flowing in so many different directions her whole life, but now she was pointed straight at this man. That scared her because she hadn’t planned for him. She didn’t know how to handle this without going back home and trying to make sense of things without any distractions. She had a life in Phoenix, and if she ever wanted to come back here, which she had to admit that she did—she had to get things settled there.

Tavish licked at her still. He would have kept going if she hadn’t hooked her hands in his hair and pulled him up to her. She kissed him deeply, tasting the tart sweetness of herself on his tongue.

“Make love to me,” she said, sounding like a bad nineties romance, but for once, she didn’t care.

She couldn’t care, because Tavish nodded and then he started pulling off what remained of his clothes. All she could do was drink in every bit of him. So much muscle and sinew, so much wildness and wilderness. There was another lifeforce in his body. She knew it existed, even if she didn’t completely understand the why or the how of it.

When he was naked, he guided her hips gently, until she turned over. She immediately raised them in the air, needing him too badly to care about being ashamed of showing herself to him in this way. She felt like she would actually die if he wasn’t inside her within the next minute. She needed him filling her, satisfying her, giving her pleasure until she climaxed so hard that she didn’t even know her own name.

She still froze when she felt him line himself up with her entrance. She looked between her legs, but the room was dark enough by now that all she could see was his shadow. It was more than enough. She swallowed hard even though her throat was painfully dry. She’d felt how big he was through his clothes, but it was nothing compared to what he felt like there.

“Are you okay?” he asked, caressing her hips.

“Yes. I’m good. And please, hurry.”

She jerked back against him to drive the point home. He didn’t ask her if she was sure again. It was pretty obvious that she was more than sure, more than okay with this. She wanted him with every part of her being. He guided her hips up until he was satisfied, and then he pushed in slightly. Even his cockhead stretched her.

Her hands clawed at the soft patchwork quilt as he pushed in deeper. She didn’t think she could take any more, but he proved her wrong. He went slow, until she could. Until she was full and wanted to scream and come just from feeling him pulsing inside her.

She pushed forward and he pulled back. They met each other on the next thrust. He didn’t slam into her, but he did fill her, and she leaned into it, taking all of him with a sigh, driving her hips back for more. She’d never felt so desperate for anything in her life as she was to have him fill her, faster and harder.

God, she wanted to be owned by him. She wanted to be perfectly his.

“Amazing,” he told her, his hands smoothing over her hips and ass even as his rhythm increased. “So damn beautiful.”

The words made her feel more connected. Maybe it made him feel that way too, because as she drove her hips back into him, he drove forward. The rhythm grew harder and faster, pretty frenzied and out of control until it wasn’t so much of a rhythm at all as them just not being able to get close enough to each other.

He kept pumping and she kept writhing, driving away and then back, repeating, grinding her hips and opening her legs to take more of him, deeper.

It only took a few seconds after that, and they both reached their peak.