“You can’t go and pee in my boots. They’re two sizes too small for you. There’s going to be an emergency soon if you don’t check.”

“I can hold it.”

“That’s terrible for your insides. You have to go. I can tell from your face that you have to go.”

It was true. Damn it, it was true.

“Well, if you’re not going to check it and you really need to pee, there’s only one thing to do.”

“Check it?”

“No. Call Tavish.”

What had seemed like the most illogical solution two hours ago seemed like the most fitting one now. Maybe January was just worn down. Maybe her bladder was going to burst if she didn’t do something soon. Maybe the whole thing was just disastrous to a city girl like her and, darn it, she was indeed a city girl.

“How are you going to do that? You don’t have his number.” She had a sudden flash and wondered if June had actually asked him for it when he changed their tire. No, surely her sister wouldn’t have been that devious.

“You’re right, I don’t, but I can pull up the clinic number from the pin on the map. We can call there and explain. If he won’t come out here, maybe someone else can come and save us.”

“They’re not exterminators. You just wanted Tavish to come because you think he’ll be all knight in shining armor and save me and then I’ll fall madly into infatuation with him and live the rest of my life all happy out here with my hunky woodsman.”

“Well, you need to get back on that horse sometime. He’s a really good-looking horse. He could give you a fine ri—”

“Enough!” January snapped. “Fine. Call the clinic. Tell them we’ll pay if someone can help or ask them to suggest someone else. Don’t ask for Tavish. It’s not happening, June. It’s just not. But I’m at my wit’s end here.” She was dancing around, she didn’t want to go in a bucket. Please god don’t let that be her only option.

“You really do need to pee, huh?”

“Can you please just call if you’re calling?”

June whipped out her phone with the world’s biggest shit eating sister grin. “Absolutely. I’ll call right now. See? It truly is an emergency.”

Chapter 5


Well, I’ll be darned. There actually is a mouse in there.

The rather rotund, furry creature went scampering out of the boot as soon as he turned it on its side and thumped the bottom hard. He hoped it found some kind of shelter. The poor thing looked half terrified.

Not as terrified as the women huddled up inside the cabin.

He’d truly thought this was just a transparent attempt at matchmaking by June for her older sister. Plus Josephine, who urged him to go out and help. June just had to have called the clinic. She probably knew he’d get roped into this whether he liked it or not. It turned out he was legit the only one at the place who could be spared for a few hours. He was supposed to be doing guard duty for Sam when he went over to the new Pinefall shifter colony that bordered Greenacre, but one of Sam’s kids, Leo, came down with a nasty stomach bug and Sam wanted to be there for him. Lily insisted she’d be fine, but she had classes to teach in the afternoon and evening and Sam didn’t want her to have to cancel on those either.

It was pretty crazy, but more and more of Greenacre was turning out for her adult classes. The kids loved them from the start, but the adult population was a slower draw. Lily taught whatever anyone requested, even if partnering was a problem. For the most part, everyone was good humored about being paired up with another guy who had to learn the female steps. She did a lot of individual styles of dance and that was probably easier.

Tavish wouldn’t really know. He was just going off what Sam said. He’d never taken a class himself. He might have good reflexes and be athletic as hell, but dancing? That didn’t seem like something he’d be very good at.

“Thank you!” June’s face was ashen as she edged away from the door. She’d had her hand curled around a fire poker like she was going to club someone to death, then went and replaced the thing in the holder.

It was a balmy thirty-five degrees out, but the women were dressed like it was cold enough to freeze skin in an instant. They had the fire roaring inside the cabin. The place was hot enough to induce an immediate sweat underneath the old, handknit woollen sweater he was wearing.

He shifted uncomfortably, his big boots clomping on the circular rag rug at the door. “Danger is over now. You can both relax.”

January was just as white as her sister. She stood over by the window, hugging her arms around her middle tightly. “I’m sorry. It’s so silly to be scared of something like that. But we were. Both of us. Terrified.”

“It’s not that silly. They do carry disease sometimes.” He was reaching here, but for some reason, he didn’t want to embarrass either of the women further. He was trying to be a gentleman.

“Let me pay you,” June offered. She walked across the cabin to the small kitchen and grabbed her purse off the counter.