He gives my shoulders a gentle squeeze. “There’s always next year.”
I smile, my shoulders sagging with relief, even as I shiver.
“Troy left,” says Caleb, his eyes locked on me. “We watched him get in the Uber.”
“What’s the plan here, Tess?” says Jake. “That asshole’s never gonna stop.”
“No more playing defense,” Ryan says.
I glance up at him, my hand still clutched in his. “What?”
“I’m a forward,” he says at me. “That means I don’t sit back and wait to take the hits. I bring the fight to the other team. Let me do this, Tess. Let me help you. We tried your way. Now I want to try mine.”
“Let us all help you,” Jake adds.
“You’re not alone, Tess,” says Caleb.
Ilmari’s firm hand gives my shoulder another squeeze, and I have to fight back fresh tears.
They’re all here. They all care. My team. My family.
“Put us in, Coach,” calls Josh from under his umbrella, Shelby on his arm. “Just tell us how we can help.”
I look around at everyone, Ryan’s hand clasped in mine. Swallowing down my nerves, I clear my throat and shout out to the group, “I want to thank you all. Not just for coming out tonight and supporting our cause but…well, for supporting me. From the first moment I met you all, you’ve been so kind and welcoming.” I glance from Poppy to Shelby, who both offer me smiles.
“You took me in and made me feel like family,” I add, looking at Rachel and her guys. “Now Ryanismy family. Like the sea turtles we all came out tonight to support, Ryan and I are caught in a bit of a tangled net. We ask for your patience and your help as we fight our way free.”
“Anything you need,” Jake intones.
“Ryan’s a Ray and you’re with Ryan,” Josh adds. “We take care of our own.”
I nod, taking a deep breath. No more defense. We’re playing offense. We’re taking the fight to Troy. I have a plan, and I think it will work. My freedom is so close, I can taste it.
I turn to Ryan, squeezing his hand. “Babe, have you ever been to Cincinnati?”
Istand in front of the golden elevator doors, watching as the white light flashes across the top, showing an elevator on the move. It’s coming down fast. My heart beats in tempo with the lights. Slow and steady.
“Are you ready for this, man?” Novy says at my left, balancing a box in his hands. “You make a good forward, I won’t lie. But this feels like an enforcer move. You sure you have what it takes?”
“I’m ready,” I reply.
“He’s ready,” Sully says at my other side, holding the other box.
The elevator dings, and the golden doors slide open, revealing an empty car. We all step in, me, Novy, and Sully to the back. Morrow, Karlsson, and Jake follow.
“We’ll catch the next one,” Sanford calls.
I nod, taking a deep breath.
“What floor?” says Morrow.
“Seven,” I reply.
He jabs the number, and the car rattles to life, rising in the air.
“You’ve got this,” Sully says on my right. “This ends today. Finish strong.”