Page 35 of Pucking Wild

“When do you move out again?”

“Today. And I’m taking the dog with me,” I tease.

“Just give him back on Sunday night or Caleb will cry,” she says pulling the door shut.

Poseidon dances at my feet, drawn to the only company he has left. I’m flattered he thinks I’m more interesting than his overflowing basket of toys. He blinks up at me with those pretty blue eyes, his black and white tail wagging slowly side to side.

“What do you think, bubs? You ready to go on a little drive with me?”

That sets him off like a firecracker. He’s a yipping, howling mess as he chases me up the stairs. I have no idea what the heck I’m doing with my life, but coffee and a beach walk with the dog sounds like enough of a plan for now.

And maybe I’ll try the sauna tonight…after I disinfect it first.


“Hey, man, can you put this up there?” Cade Walsh sticks his arm out towards me, reaching across the airplane seat to hand me his backpack. He’s a third string forward and a rookie, but he keeps his elbows to himself and always travels with good snacks, so I let him be my seat mate.

I wordlessly take his backpack, shoving it into the overhead next to mine as my phone pings in my pocket. I reach for it as Novy shoves his way past behind me. “Jeez, asshole,” I mutter, glaring at the back of his head.

“‘Scuse me,” says Morrow, sliding past too.

They’ve both been so weird since L.A. Novy is usually a big prankster, life of the party, even if he’s also a moody asshole. And Morrow is one of the nicest guys on the team. Right now, their shoulders are set in frustration as they take opposite seats in the same aisle, crossing their arms like lovers in a tiff.

Whatever. Their bullshit is not my problem.

I open my messages app and tap the top message. It’s from my agent, Mike Kline. Heart in my throat, I drop into my seat. I tap the new voice memo and listen.

“Hey, Ryan. I know you’re probably already in the air,” comes his bright voice. “But you can listen to this when you land—”

“Hey, Langers! Wanna play Mario Kart?” Sully shouts from two rows up.

“We’re gonna smoke your ass!” says Perry from just behind me, punching my shoulder.

All around our section of the plane, the guys call out.

“I call Yoshi!”

“Give me a sec, and I’m in.”

“You always play Yoshi, asshole—”

“Make him play Toad—”

“Shh,” I rasp, ducking my head down. I tap the button on the side of my phone, turning the volume up all the way, and start the voice memo over.

“—already in the air, but you can listen to this when you land. You—”

“Dude, why are you in my lap?” Walsh gives me a shove.

“Shut up.” I tap the little blue ‘keep’ so this message doesn’t disappear.

MK is still talking. “—you can always call when—”

“Dude, come on. It looks like you’re giving me a blowie. Get up,” says Walsh, shoving me again.

“Langers, you in or out?” says Perry, peeking his face around the side of my seat.

“Fuck!” I launch to my feet. Spinning on my heel, I race down the aisle towards the back of the plane. I march right past the support staff, nearly tripping on the strap of Poppy’s purse, before I’m in the galley.