Caleb pops off him, getting to his feet. He looks to me and I nod. I need more too. I need them all. This moment feels too important to play on tag teams.

“You call the shots, babe,” he says at me.

I nod again, tapping Ilmari’s shoulder. He rocks back on his heels and I slip off the counter to the floor. I’m still wearing my Ferrymen sweatshirt. I jerk it off and toss it, leaving me naked. Why do I always end up naked in this kitchen?

“I want you all,” I say. “Now. Caleb in my pussy, Jake in my ass. Ilmari, baby, fuck my face.”

Ilmari stands and Caleb leans in, wrapping a hand around my neck to pull me in for a kiss. He breaks it quick and nods. “Mars, living room. Move the table. Jake, get the lube.”

He drops his hand away from me and my guys split in three different directions. I watch from the kitchen as Caleb calls to the dog, putting him outside. Ilmari makes quick work of moving the coffee table, tossing a few blankets and pillows down onto the carpeted floor.

Jake reappears in moments, bottle of lube in hand. “Seattle, let’s go,” he calls. “Bring me that sweet fucking ass.”

I smile, my heart feeling so full as I watch my three guys come together in our living room, dropping their clothes to the floor. There’s no shame, no awkwardness. They’re all in. I walk around the end of the island, feeling like a queen, the endorphins of one orgasm already humming through my veins.

Caleb walks over to the wall, adjusting the lights on the wall panel, bringing down the brightness to set a more intimate mood. Ilmari uses the remote to turn on the electric fireplace. He knows how much I like stretching out naked in front of it, my post-sex glow warm on my skin. Meanwhile, Jake is already on his knees, fixing the blankets.

They know me. They take such good care of me. Who cares that I’m not their emergency contact? I’m the center of their collective universe.

With a smile, I flamingo each leg, tugging off my fuzzy socks. Nothing kills the mood for me quite like socks on feet during sex. My smile widens, seeing that all my guys have already done the same.

Ilmari is standing closest, his hand casually pumping his hard cock. He watches me with a heated gaze. “Come, Rakas.”

I step forward, my hand wrapping around his on his dick as I tip up on my toes, kissing him again. He tastes like me and I fucking love it.

Caleb steps in behind me, his hard cock pressing at my ass, his hands slipping between me and Ilmari to cup my breasts. His warm mouth settles on my neck, kissing up my ear then down my shoulder. He tweaks my nipples as Ilmari drops his mouth down to kiss the other side of my neck. I sigh, head tipping back, luxuriating in the feel of them.

Jake steps in and his hand smooths over my hip, down to cup my pussy. He groans, his fingers slipping through my wetness, circling my tender clit as I hum with need. I bite my lip, sinking into this perfect feeling of being touched by all three of them at once.

Jake’s fingers sink in deep. “Kiss me,” he says.

Caleb pulls back, making room for him so we can kiss. I love the taste of my Jake, the feel of his soft lips. He’s always the most groomed in the facial hair department. His upper lip is baby smooth as we open and tease, tongues flicking.

Then Caleb’s hand is at Jake’s neck, pulling him back to take his turn. I’m right there, sharing breath with them as they kiss, my hand still stroking Ilmari’s cock. Jake pulls away on a pant, his eyes glassy with need as he drops his face forward, kissing Ilmari’s shoulder and up his neck.

Ilmari groans, letting him do it as he finds my mouth, claiming me with the strength of his kiss.

Caleb steps to my side, his hand reaching up to grab Ilmari’s top knot, fisting tight. He lowers his mouth too, kissing the other side of his neck.

“No niin,” Ilmari groans, eyes shut tight as Jake and Caleb suck the sides of his neck.

I’m weak with need watching them. Fierce love boils up inside of me, threatening to burn me to ash. They’re mine. My loves. My family. I will protect them from any danger, run through fire for them, burn the world for them.

Jake and Caleb pull away, both breathless, chests heaving. It’s Caleb who speaks, still gripping tight to Ilmari’s top knot. “You’re fucking ours,” he says, intensity lacing his tone. “You’re not our friend. You’reours.”

Ilmari nods, swallowing down whatever emotions he’s feeling. “Yours.” Then he glances down at me, need burning in his eyes. “Yours,” he says again, his gaze locked on me.

“Mine,” I echo. “Forever. No way out.”

“No way out,” he repeats, lowering his face to kiss me.

Jake moves his fingers inside me again, working my clit with his thumb. He sinks a third finger inside, stretching me out. “Baby, can I take you with Mars?” he asks, peppering kisses on my shoulder. “Please,” he begs. He looks to Ilmari. “Will you do DVP with me? Is that like, a limit for you or…”

I hold my breath, waiting for Ilmari to speak. He shares me with them all the time. Double penetration is nothing new. I know Caleb is his secret favorite. My not-so-straight husband loves himself a little ribbed cock action.

But he’s never been in my pussy with one of them before. Cocks pressed together as my walls hold them tight…

Oh god, I’m ready to explode just thinking about it.