Fuck, that smirk he gave me out on the ice. He lobbed it like a grenade, right over the plexiglass.Boom. If he thinks he can play with my fire, I’m gonna remind him what it feels like to get burned. Goddamn, I need him bad. I take a breath, trying to cool the heat in my blood. I can’t wander around the tunnels sporting a tent in my pants. This is my place of business, after all.

Get it together, asshole.

There’s a hitch in my step as I smirk. Seeing as I’m literally on a mission to track down my husband and pound him senseless, I’m not the poster child for ethical workplace professionalism right now.

I laugh, shaking my head. Yeah, I don’t give a fuck. Daddy Cay is done wrangling pacifiers and holding babies tonight. My big time NHL superstar is gonna drop to his knees and make me feel like a whole other kind of daddy.

I round the corner at the long end of the main tunnel, my mind spinning out the possibilities of where. The caveman in me wants to put him on his knees in the middle of the damn locker room. But voyeurism isn’t his kink unless Rachel and Mars are the ones watching.

Hedoeshave a serious kink for almost getting caught, which could be fun. Private sex in public. Yeah, my good boy goes weak for a handy on the plane. And he’s all for indulging mine and Rachel’s love of gritty bar bathrooms. We almost got kicked out of a karaoke bar down at Jax Beach when we fucked so hard we broke the sink. Water sprayed everywhere. We came out soaking wet wearing shit-eating grins.

But I don’t want to exchange handys up against the stall of a bathroom, hands over our mouths to stifle our groans. I want to throw him around a little. I want to hear him moan, watch him beg.

There’s only one place in mind.Ourplace. At this point we should just go all in and get a plaque for the door. The Price Family Storage Closet. It’s far enough from the locker room that we don’t have to be too quiet. And there’s room for all four of us inside. Fuck, we’ve had some fun in that damn closet.

“Hey Sanny!” Morrow calls with a wave. “What a fuckin’ game, eh?”

I smile at him. “Well played.”

“Did you see your boy out there? Cap was on fire tonight,” says Fields from behind him. They’re still in their gear, handing their gloves and sticks off to the waiting EMs.

“You’re off the clock tonight, eh boss?” calls Cody, one of the new hires. He catches a pair of gloves as Karlsson tosses them to him, and pops them on the rack.

“Yep,” I say. “Scuse me, gentlemen.”

I slip right past them, moving towards the locker room. I go to turn the corner just as Rachel comes hopping out.

“Oh—hey, babe.” She pops up on her toes to give me a quick kiss. She looks tired but wired, her bun a little frizzy and her eye makeup smudged. But she’s in her element. “Playoffs here we come,” she adds. “Have you seen Jake yet?”


“God, he’s gonna be insufferable for a week,” she says with a laugh. “He’s already threatening me that I have to call him ‘King of the Ice.’” She grabs my arm as I try to slip past her. “Hey—you okay, baby?”

I suck in a breath, giving her my full attention. “Yeah.”

Her gorgeous dark eyes dart left then right, her expression concerned as she reads me like no one else has ever been able to do. Mars comes close. Then she’s smiling through pursed lips, shaking her head. “Ohh…yeah you’re just fine, aren’t you,” she teases. “I’d join you, but I’ve got my hands full here for another hour,” she adds, gesturing to the plastic box slung under one arm stocked with ice bags and wraps.

“He in there?” I say, gesturing with a nod to the locker room.

“Yeah. Just finished press. Hey—go gentle with him,” she adds. “Pepper in a little praise. He needs it.”

With that, my wife kisses my cheek and saunters off, perfectly comfortable in the knowledge that I’m planning to go corner and fuck our husband. Yeah, that woman was made for me. I’ll remind her why tonight.

But right now is all about Jake. Mr. King of the Ice.

I slip into the locker room to find the guys in various states of undress. The funk in this room post game is something not for the faint of heart as all the layers of sweaty gear get stripped off and tossed in the big laundry bin. After twenty years in the life, I’m used to it.



“It’s Price now, dickhead,” Novy growls, shoving Walsh.

“Ouch—shit—Why is Sanny okay, but not Sanford?”

“Because it is,” Novy snaps.

I just shake my head. I’ll leave it to Novy to put the third string guy in his place. When we all changed our names, the guys faced a brief conundrum of what to do having four Prices on the team. Rachel became ‘Doc’ and for the short time Mars was still playing, he was just Mars. The guys all just stuck with ‘Sanny’ for me. Only Jake’s name really changed. No one calls him ‘Compton’ anymore. It’s only ever—