“You don’t even wanna know,” Tess replies.

Kelly just laughs. “We can wait til they get back, hon. It’s no biggie.”

“But you have it right there?” says Tess, peering over me. “Right on that little tablet, you’ve got the results? You could tell us?”

“Mhmm,” Kelly replies, moving over to the corner to weigh and measure the baby.

“Leave her alone,” I say at Tess.

“I can’t believe you don’t want to know,” she huffs.

“Idowant to know,” I reply. “I just want to know with my guys here too. If they find out I found out, I’ll never hear the end of it. Jake will pout for a month.”

“God, andnothingis worth that,” Tess grumbles.

Kelly laughs again, flashing a knowing smile as she shakes her head.

What can I say? Jake leaves an impression.

“Besides,” I add. “I’ve waited this long. Another thirty minutes won’t kill me.”

A second nurse slips in and washes her hand before going to help Kelly. The sound of fussing starts. No Name doesn’t like being unswaddled from his cocoon. The moment I hear the first wail is the moment the door swings open and my guys all come back in.

Jake is in the lead looking washed and fresh, balancing a drink carrier with four coffees from our favorite local shop. Caleb shuffles in behind him, Jamie propped on his hip. Our firstborn is every inch his daddy, with Jake’s dark hair and pretty green eyes.

“Nugget!” Tess squeals, hopping out of her chair to snatch him from Caleb’s arms. She takes her godmother role very seriously, showering him with love and affection endlessly. We quickly had to put an embargo on toys though. Auntie Tess is now only allowed to express her love through experiences, not material goods. With exceptions for Christmas and birthdays, of course.

Ilmari comes in last, letting the door swing shut behind him.

Jake’s bright smile falls as he hears the baby crying. His gaze darts from me to the corner. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” I reply.

“He just didn’t like getting his vitals checked,” Kelly adds. She turns around with No Name bundled in her arms. “You’re all going home today,” she tells the guys.

“But the jaundice,” says Jake.

“His bili count is great. He’s good to go,” she replies patiently.

“Oh, thank god.” His shoulders slump with relief as he sets the coffees down on my hospital tray. “No offense, Kel. I mean, you’ve been a solid ten. But I wanna get the hell out of here.”

She laughs again, handing the baby off to Ilmari.

I try to stop my lips from pursing in annoyance. I’m still not used to his hair. He did it on a whim last week. One minute he was downstairs on the couch with us watching TV. The next, he disappeared and came down an hour later with his top knot gone. He’d shaved the whole thing off. He left a little hair on top, thank god. But his golden mane is in my trash can.

“I felt like a change,” was all he said as we gaped at him.

He wanders around the end of the bed, baby in arms, and sits in the chair, humming and rocking to get No Name to settle. We’re formula feeding him so the guys can all be more involved. As I watch, Jake gets a bottle ready. Meanwhile, Tess is bouncing Jamie on her hip by the window, blowing raspberries on his cheek to make him squeal and laugh.

Caleb takes the free moment to come around to the other side of my bed. “Hey, babe,” he murmurs, his gaze not half so relaxed as his tone as he takes me in, kissing my forehead.

I take his hand, brushing my lips against his knuckles.

“Lunch is ready,” Jake calls, holding up the bottle. “You or me, man?” he says at Ilmari.

“Me,” Ilmari replies, reaching out his hand.

Jake stretches over the bed, passing him the bottle. Then he ducks down, kissing my lips. “Hey, gorgeous. You rest at all while we were gone?”