I glance down at the envelope. “Should I open it now?”

He shrugs. “Whatever you want. It’s yours either way.”

I open it, slipping out the few folded papers inside.

“It’s a trip to the Grand Canyon,” he says before I can finish reading the top of what is apparently the receipt for airline tickets. “Jake planned the whole thing,” he adds. “For just the five of us.”

I glance up. “Five?”

“Yeah, he wants it to be Nugget’s first family vacation.”

I smile, glancing back down at the papers.

“He knows how badly you’ve wanted to see it. He planned the whole thing. Sunrise hot air balloon, river cruise, hiking, a spa day. And everything is private. No crowds. No hockey. Just the desert air in your hair. And just us. Just family.”

I nod, emotion thick in my throat. “It’s perfect,” I say, folding the papers and slipping them back inside the envelope. I glance over at Caleb again. “Why did he make you give this to me?”

Caleb shrugs, hands in his pockets. “I think he wanted me to come across as the thoughtful one. You know, for balance.”

“I have no recollection of ever discussing the Grand Canyon with Jake,” I admit, fighting my smile.

“I’m sure you have,” he mutters.

“I’m sure I haven’t,” I reply, folding my arms over my chest to mirror his stance. “Ihavediscussed it with you. Several times. You gave him the idea, didn’t you?”

He shrugs again. “He wanted my opinion. You’re just lucky he went with this one, because my other recommendation was Disney World,” he adds with a grin.

I groan, picturing the five of us wandering Disney World getting stopped every ten feet by someone who wants to take a picture. You’d think after two years the public’s interest in us would wane. We’ve all learned to weather it, but a private vacation with just us and no outside eyes feels perfect.

“Thank you, Caleb.”

He nods. “Happy Birthday, Mars.” He glances over his shoulder towards the door. “We should probably head back out there. Don’t wanna deprive this party of it’s shining star.”

I laugh, even as inside I feel a flutter of confusion deep in my gut. There’s also a flicker of recognition from my newest full-time companion: doubt.

The truth is that I’ve become tired of the spotlight. Tired of the press events. Of answering questions about my health and fitness to play, dissecting all my bad saves and making vague promises about future games. I’m tired of the endless travel, the spinning carousel of home and away games. I’m tired of living out of suitcases and missing my wife so much I can’t breathe.

I’m just tired.

In body.

In spirit.

And our lives are all about to change in such a seismic way. The birth of this child will alter everything. For Rachel—her ability to travel with us, her ability to work, at least at first. For the three of us too. Managing four careers with a child will be difficult to say the least. Caleb is integral to the working of the Rays. I know they’re eyeing him for a promotion to lead Equipment Manager. And Rachel is only a year into her new Assistant Director role. Jake is on fire, playing the best he has in his career.

And here I stand, barely holding myself together—

“Hey,” Caleb murmurs, his hand on my shoulder. “You okay?”

I glance down, following the line of his arm to his face. “Hmm?”

“I lost you there,” he says, his brows lowered over his dark eyes. “You went deep in your head. What’s up?”

I’ve been holding these feelings inside me for weeks. Months. If I was going to tell anyone, it would be Caleb. Jake would try to fix everything and Rachel would take it on as her burden to bear. Caleb will just listen. He’ll let me deal with it in my way.

He inches closer, his hand sliding from my shoulder, down my arm. Outside of sex, it’s rare that he touches me. I’m not ashamed to admit that I like it. His full attention is on me and I feel warm. Safe. Protected.

“Hey,” he says, his voice soft. He’s looking at me like no one else exists. “Talk to me.”