As I watch, my men taste Ilmari together, teasing his shaft and tip with their tongues, worshipping the cock that just filled me with cum. My heart is going to burst. I can’t stand it. I can’t leave them to take this step alone. With a desperate whine, I scoot down Ilmari’s side, eager to join them.

“Christ—” Ilmari cries out, his hands gripping to the couch as he holds his hips still, letting the three of us tease him together.

Jake and I taste his shaft as Caleb sucks his tip. Ever the dom, Caleb grabs us by the hair, holding tight as we tease our groaning Finn.

“I’m coming—fuck—”

Caleb lifts off Ilmari’s tip as Ilmari’s cum hits his mouth. It drips back down his shaft. Jake and I groan as we taste him, the three of us united in sharing this gift he’s granting us. When it’s over, Caleb pulls me in by my hair, kissing me deep. Then he pulls Jake in, kissing him with equal passion. Beneath us, a spent Ilmari watches us through hooded eyes, his chest heaving.

Caleb and Jake break apart and Caleb gazes up Ilmari’s body to his face. “Ours,” he says, his hands are now protectively holding to me and Jake.

Ilmari nods, sitting up. His hands lift to rest on our opposite shoulders, staking his claim on us. “Yours. I’m yours.”

Seizing my moment, I smile. “I’m changing my emergency contact.”

Three pairs of eyes glare at me.

“To who?” Jake says as Caleb says, “Why?”

I smile at Jake. “You want to be the first to know? Fine by me. You should get a call in the morning with a pretty important update. Be sure to tell the others, yeah?”

“What update?” he says, eyes wide.

Ilmari and Caleb are both watching me too, confused.

I was planning to wait and do this after we got back from Seattle because I didn’t want to steal Harrison’s thunder. But you know what? In this moment, the timing feels pretty fucking perfect. And my boys are good at keeping secrets. This will be a Team Price exclusive.

“They had to move my ultrasound appointment next week from Tuesday to Thursday,” I say. “Does that work for you, angel? Thursday at 2:30?”

Before he can respond, I get to my feet and start to walk away.

I can practically hear the moment three brains explode behind me. And then I’m laughing, racing into the kitchen, my men hot on my heels.



Ajolt of turbulence wakes me and my only feeling is relief. I was having the worst dream.Again.I think I was reliving the time Harrison and I got lost at Disneyland. Only, instead of me being the lost kid, I was my mom andmykids were lost. I was running around Adventureland like it was an obstacle course, heart racing, palms sweating, panic so sharp I could taste it on my tongue—


I take a deep breath, shifting in my seat with my eyes still closed. My arms unfold from under my breasts and I smooth my hands over my growing bump. As soon as I finished my first trimester, the weird dreams started. Normally, I never remember my dreams. Now my visions are flooded nightly with these surrealist hellscapes. And all of them feature in some way me being a terrible mother.

Get pregnant, they said.It’ll be fun, they said.

I sigh, opening my eyes. We’re winging our way home from our latest string of West Coast games. The cabin of the plane is dark, shades pulled. Everything is quiet as the guys get some much needed sleep. The only light comes from the softly glowing call buttons above our heads. It must be really late…or really early.

I glance to my right. Jake and Cay are passed out. Their armrest is flipped up, and Cay is sleeping on Jake’s chest, Jake’s arm around him. They’re curled into each other, limbs entangled, as they try to get comfortable. Half of Cay’s face is buried in the blanket, but Jake’s is turned my direction, his lips parted slightly as he breathes in and out. His headphones sit askew on his head.

I smile. He played an amazing game last night. He even got a goal assist. He’s been on fire for weeks now. There’s buzz that when Sully retires next year, the team might give Jake the captain’s “C.” He’d make a great captain. The guys all love him. And a leadership position would give him a new focus, a new challenge.

Not that our life isn’t about to be challenging enough. I look down, brushing my hand over my little bump. Pregnant at twenty-nine and I don’t know who the father is. My smile widens as I focus on my thin stack of wedding rings. Idoknow who the father is. The father is Jake…and Caleb…andIlmari.

We plan to do a paternity test once the baby is born. Not because we care about who the biological father is, but because it may allow us more legal protections. I’m married to Ilmari, so if this baby is Jake’s or Caleb’s, I can list them on the birth certificate.

You’d think this would be an easier process. We can’t possibly be the first family in history to have multiple parents involved. If I had my way, I would list all three of my guys on the birth certificate. I’d marry them all too. Legally. We did the informal wedding, but it would be nice if the government would just let me validate my commitment to Jake and Caleb too.

I shift in my seat, rolling my tight shoulders. All this plane travel gets old quick. And we’re only halfway through the season.