“We baked you a cake,” Ava said.

“You’re so sweet,” I said, bending to hug her.

“I did most of the baking. She was just moral support,” Leon whined and I smiled before kissing him on the lips.

“Well, you’re sweet too.”

He was smiling like a little boy who was handed a new toy. We all took slices of the cake and ate. Ava dozed off into a nap in the middle of eating her slice. I cleaned her up and kept the slice of cake for her in the kitchen while Leon took her to her room.

When he returned, I was back in the sitting room, on the couch. He sat beside me and took my left hand in his.

“How was today’s session?”

“It was great. We spoke at length and I feel like I’m making real progress.”

“I’m happy for you. You’re also sleeping better.” He pointed out and I nodded before stuffing another piece of cake in my mouth. Honestly, I noticed Leon was being very quiet around me. It felt like he was walking on eggshells and I didn’t know why. I knew it had something to do with the traumatic experience we all suffered but I didn’t know how to bring it up.

“I want us to go out.”

“Go out? To where?” I asked, surprised.

“Any restaurant you want to go to in the world and I mean it.”

I laughed. “Leon, what is this?”

“I want to take you out for dinner. That’s what it is.” He responded, looking like he meant it.

“I’ll look on Google for a recommendation,” I said, taking out my phone to check for great spots. Leon said any place in the world and I knew he meant a fancy place. I finally found a restaurant and told him. He agreed and we fixed it for Sunday evening.

After the incident with Gerald, Leon and I thought changing Ava's babysitter would be a good idea since the former one, Abigail, used to take rides from Gerald. We were just trying to be safe. So we had hired a new babysitter, Pearl.

I called her to know if she’d be available to look after Ava on Sunday evening while we were out on our date and she said she wasn’t. Vivian was visiting Mike and I didn’t want to bother her; I had no idea what to do.

“I’ll call Paula,” Leon said, and it didn’t sit right with me.

“I don’t want to bother her; you don’t know if she has plans.”

“She loves Ava to death. Even if she has plans, she’d cancel them for her.”

“But we shouldn’t abuse that.”

“And we are not. We need her help.”

He called Paula and she was glad to take Ava for the night. Leon had to go back to his place Sunday morning and do some work before our dinner at night. Shortly after he left, a delivery man came knocking on the door. Steve received the package and inspected it before handing it over to me.

It was a royal blue dress with a little perfumed note, “I think you’d look amazing in this.” A sheepish smile spread across my face and I looked over at Steve, who was smiling too but quickly looked away when I caught him.

I pressed the dress to my body and spread it out to see the full fit. It was gorgeous. I danced into my room where Ava was working on an alphabet tracing book that Leon had gotten her. I called him to thank him and he said it was his pleasure.

The way Leon suggested we went on a date got me worried. I wasn’t sure if to think he was being spontaneous or something more serious was going on? There was no way for me to know until dinner.

Time for our date got closer and Leon came over. He looked dapper in his simple white shirt which he knew I loved to see him in and a pair of black Versace trousers. I packed Ava a little bag and we took her in the car over to her auntie Paula’s place. Paula told us not to worry and come pick her up the next morning.

Then we were on our way to the restaurant I had picked out. It was a new restaurant that was still trying to decide its aesthetic. We arrived and were taken to our table. The menu was handed to us before the waiters left. I looked around us. They were going for a calm modern aesthetic but a corner had some vibrant painting. It was nice. I looked at Leon to find him concentrating on the menu.

“I like watching you concentrate on things,” I said out of nowhere and Leon looked at me.
