“Why are you spraying it on me then?” I asked, trying to fight back the tears swelling in my eyes.

“You deserve it,” Vivian said and her eyes went to the bed. Ava was there with makeup items all over her face. “Oh, my goodness.!” She exclaimed and I turned to look.

Ava was smiling at me, “Mommy is beautiful.”

“Of course she is. You, on the other hand, are in timeout. Go sit by the wall.” Vivian said and carried her down from the bed. Ava happily walked to the corner of the wall and sat on the floor. She was such a happy child.

We heard a knock on the door. “Leon is here,” I said. Vivian got my purse and phone and handed them over to me.

“Let’s go.”

“What about Ava?” I asked.

“Don’t worry about her. I’ve got her.”

“How much longer will she be in timeout?”

“Till I clean the mess she made.”

We got to the door and Vivian stood in front of me. She opened the door and said, “Behold your date.” I wasn’t sure which one of us she was talking to but she stepped out of the way and Leon and I were staring at each other. He looked amazing in his black suit; his jet-black hair was combed back. The fragrance from his cologne was serenading my nostrils.

“You look heavenly, Valentina.” He said, his lips barely forming the words. I blushed at his compliment.

“You look really handsome yourself,” I said.

“Awwww you guys are looking like a prom couple. Now get out of here. I left a toddler in the room with a bunch of makeup stuff,” Vivian said.

Leon held out his hand and I took it and we both walked to his car. It was his black Mercedes but the interior looked different.

“Is this a different car from the other one?”


“How many cars do you own, Leon?”

“I lost count after 13.”

“13?! Why does one need that many cars for?”

“Most of them are statement cars for specific functions. The rest are beautiful models of a brand that caught my attention. Are you interested in cars?”

I shook my head, “Not really. As long as it gets me where I need to go, I’m good,” Ramon had started moving the car. Leon’s eyes were fixed on me.

“You’re beautiful, Valentina.”

My cheeks heated up, “Thank you.”

He took my hand in his and intertwined our fingers together. My heart started racing so loudly I thought he would hear it. I was also worried my palms would start sweating and gross him out.

“Are you okay?” He asked, looking concerned.

“Yes, I am. I am great. Are you?”

He smiled, “Never been better.”

We got to a Michelin star restaurant I had seen on TV multiple times and the car came to a slow stop. Leon helped me out of the car and we locked hands together and went into the restaurant. The door was opened by someone in a black suit.

We were ushered to our table in the middle of the restaurant. When we settled down and the menu handed over to us, I looked around and observed that we were alone in the restaurant.