“So you met your child without knowing she was yours?” Miguel said and I nodded.
“I just didn’t know what to do. Honestly, I still don’t know what to do. I mean, I don’t think I’m in a place in my life where I’m ready for kids. What does this even mean for me?”
“When I found out Adara and I were having Luna, I wasn’t prepared either. How does one even prepare for children? You just try your best and be there for them.” Logan said.
“She sounded like she didn’t want me in their lives. The way she spoke to me last night, I didn’t like how it made me feel. It was just a lot to process, and I needed some time.” I said. Lucian came over and squeezed my shoulder in an attempt to comfort me.
“I honestly don’t know if to say I’m sorry or congratulations,” Miguel said and we all laughed.
“They could both work,” Lucian responded.
“How well do you trust this woman?” Miguel asked.
“What do you mean?”
“Do you trust she’s telling you the truth?” he asked.
“I saw the child with her. She does have a child.”
“How are you sure the child is yours? She could be pinning another man’s baby on you. I’m just saying.” He said, raising his hands as if in surrender.
“He has a point,” Lucian said and Logan scoffed.
“Why would she do that?” Logan asked.
“People do a lot of crazy things for a lot of reasons. Don’t dismiss the possibility of what Miguel is saying and ask for a DNA test.” Lucian said to me.
“I agree, man. Get a DNA test, so that you know this child is really yours. Then, we can take it up from there.”
I nodded. “Thanks. All of you. I appreciate this.”
One by one, they left and I was once again left with my thoughts. I didn’t think Valentina was the type of person to lie to me about anything or for any reason but I decided that I was going to take their advice and ask for a DNA test.
Half of me wanted to call her immediately and request the test be done but the other part of me was not ready to deal with her and so I put off making the call. The next day, I resumed work and went on with things as usual, although my mind was still heavy about this.
Every time my brothers asked me about the progress of the test, I lied and told them that I was working on it when in reality, I hadn’t called Valentina. A week after the news was broken to me, I decided that it was time to reach out to Valentina and ask for a paternity test. I returned from work and went to my room, changed out of my work clothes and then dialed her number. She picked on the second ring.
“Yes, Leon.” She said in a cold tone.
“I need to talk to you about something.”
“I’m listening.” She responded. The icy nature of this conversation tore at my heart. I hated that things had gone sour between us.
“I have had the time to process what you told me and I have decided that in order for me to accept this information, I need to confirm it.”
She scoffed, “Confirm it?”
“Yes. I need a DNA test to be done.”
“Are you being for real or is this some sort of sick joke?” she asked, her tone containing a harshness that shocked me.
“I’m being serious. You don’t expect me to just accept anything you say to me, do you?”
She clicked her tongue, “I have no reason to lie to you, but if you want a DNA test, you’ll get one.”
“I will pick the hospital and doctor,” I said.