“Yes, you are. Tell me what’s going on.”

“Nothing serious. I might have a date tomorrow. I don’t know.” I said smiling. She jumped up from her chair and came to hug me. Then she grabbed me and dragged me to the couch.

“Tell me everything. Who is he? Where did you guys meet? Tell me!”

“It’s no one new. Actually, I didn’t want to go, but I decided it was finally time to tell Leon about his daughter, so yeah.”

“Leon?! Finally! About time you two went on a date.” Viv said and I laughed.

“It’s not like that, it really isn’t. I want to tell him he has a child. That’s the only reason I’m going.”

“Yeah, say it until you actually believe it.” She said and we both laughed. “I left a burrito for you in the kitchen,” she said.

I stood up and went into the kitchen to take my dinner. In the kitchen, I thought about the make out session I left out in my story to Vivian. The burrito was in the microwave. I turned it on for a few minutes. The truth was that I hadn’t yet processed what happened between Leon and me, and I didn’t want to talk about it before I was sure on how I felt.

After eating, Vivian and I said goodnight to each other. I went into Ava’s room to check on her, and she was in her tiny bed, fast asleep. I quietly left the room and went into mine.

The next morning, I was woken up by a knock on my door. “Who is there?” I asked in my sleep laden voice.

“Vivian. Can I come in?” she asked as she opened the door, peeking at me.

“You’re already in. Why are you here so early?” I asked. I saw that she was already dressed for work. Last night before I slept, I decided that I wasn’t going to go to the office today. Vivian went to my closet and opened it.

“What are you doing?” I asked, sitting up.

“We need to sort out what you’ll wear for your date.” She responded and started bringing dresses out.

“The date isn’t until this evening, you’d be back from work by then.”

“I am going over to Michael’s, so I’ll be back late. So let’s get this done now.”

I laughed at how excited she was about the date but I wasn’t sure how to feel. This evening could change a lot of things and I was not sure they’d be good changes.

After ransacking my closet for almost an hour, she finally agreed on a dress. It was an apple green, A-line, evening dress that had a sweetheart neckline. She had just the right shoes for them. Hurriedly, she ran out of my room and was back in seconds with a pair of green high platform sandals.

“Pair them with those pearly earrings Aunt Stella got you for Christmas last year and you’d be good to go. Meanwhile, I have to get to work. HR is going to be so mad at me for coming late but I’ll just tell them I had a family emergency.”

“Did you?” I asked her with a smile and she nodded.

“Yes, I did.” She was out the door and from the sitting room, I heard her say, “Ava is awake honey.”

I got out of bed and went into Ava’s room to stay with her. We played together for a few minutes before I went and freshened her up for the day. I spent the day in the company of Ava, and when I started getting ready for my date, her babysitter Angela came over as we’d discussed earlier in the day.

When I was done with my makeup, I stared at myself in the mirror and was satisfied with my look. I looked beautiful. I got in the car and headed to the address Leon had sent me. While in the car on my way there, I kept practicing my words to him. I didn’t intend to order anything. The plan was to get there and tell him about Ava.

I got to the restaurant and saw that it was a small, cozy restaurant. I stood outside, took out my phone to call him and inform him that I was at the restaurant. I heard a phone ringing behind me and I turned to look. He was standing behind me, looking immaculate with his phone in his hand. He had on a grey colored suit with a few buttons undone. All the lines I had practiced over and over again started to disappear.

“Hello, good evening.”

“Good evening, Valentina. You look stunning.”

I looked down at my dress, feeling nervous. “Thank you.”

“Please come with me,” he said and I walked behind him to his grey Lamborghini. He opened the passenger seat for me and I got in. Then he went over to the driver’s seat and got in.

“Your car is very nice.” I complimented while feeding my eyes with the exquisite features of the car.

“Thank you.”