“Yeah. I’d need the same things. Although, I’d also need some personal paintings for my home and some as complementary gifts for a few business partners.” I said and Valentina nodded.

“That can definitely be arranged. I’ll also email you a copy of this document. It will give you some ideas,” she said and I nodded.

“I guess we can start eating now, shall we?” Miguel said and we dug right into the food. Light conversation passed around. I noticed how uncomfortable Valentina looked whenever she looked at me. It made me feel guilty. What must I have done to make her this way towards me?

When this whole attitude towards me started, I thought it was the initial shock of running into me after all this time, then I went on to think of how it could be how our last meeting went, but it has gone a bit too far and I was determined to know why.

After lunch, we finalized her inspection plans to visit both our companies and then Miguel left because he had another meeting to get on with. I was outside waiting for my driver to come out front when I saw Valentina leaving. I quickly stepped in to speak with her.

“Hey, Valentina. How was lunch?” I asked.

“Well, uhmmm, you were there. It was fine.” She responded.

“I know this new restaurant with a great view and was thinking if you could join me for dinner there tonight, or any evening you’re free. We could also talk more about the visions I have for my office project.”

She hesitated before she responded. “I’m sorry, but with all we’ve discussed today, I won’t have the time. There’s so much to be done and little time for it. Please excuse me,” she said and was trying to walk away when I stepped in front of her.

“Valentina, is there something I’ve done to you?”


“You’re being really cold towards me; do you hold a grudge against me?”

“No, I don’t. Have a good day, Leon.” She said and walked away towards the parking, while Ramon drove up to me. I got into the car and returned to the office, feeling disturbed.



I had promised to take Ava out for ice cream, but I’d been postponing it because of work. Finally, it was the weekend, and I had some time, so I got her ready, and strapped her into her car seat at the back. Then I got into the driver’s seat, and we were on our way. Vivian was supposed to come with us but Mike invited her for a family function, and since they were getting serious, she decided to go.

I was on my way to the ice cream shop when I received a call telling me to come receive a painting that was coming in from Washington. The plans had changed, and now I was heading for the gallery. My phone started ringing again. I thought it was the delivery man calling again. I looked at the screen and saw that it was my Aunt Stella.

“Hello, Aunty Stella,” I said, cheerfully.

“Hello, my dear. How are you doing? How is my little sweetheart, Ava?”

“We are great. Everything is fine. We are heading out for ice cream.”

“Oh, that’s wonderful. How’s work?”

“The gallery is doing great and we are so busy this time of the year.”

“I’m happy things are coming together beautifully. Is there… you know…” her voice trailed off.

“Is there what?” I asked.

“You know, is there a man now? In your life?”

I laughed. “Aunty Stella, you ask this every time you call and my answer has not changed all this while. There’s no one.”

“Why is that?”

“I’m not interested. At least, not now.” I responded, looking at Ava from the rear-view mirror.

“What about Vivian’s colleague? The handsome young man that has been looking for a date with you.”

“Aunty, how do you even remember that?”