I smiled at her and went to the section of my t-shirt. I took out the Rick and Morty t-shirt I loved and gave it to her. She slipped it on over the towel. The t-shirt was as long as a short dress for her, I smiled and went over to put on sweatpants.
We both lay in bed and talked about random things before she fell asleep. I kissed her lightly on her forehead before closing my eyes.
In the morning, I woke up early and planned a fun day for us. By the time she woke up, breakfast was ready. I had the chef bring it up for us.
“Good morning, sleeping beauty,” I said and she laughed, still sounding sleepy.
“Good morning, one of the dwarves.” We both laughed. While we ate, I told her,
“I have a very fun day planned out for us.”
“Fun day? Leon, I have work,” she said.
“I know, but… I just want to show you a good time. Think of it like a mini break, just for a day.”
She thought about it for a few seconds before she nodded in agreement.
“You’ll go?”
“I will.”
I got up and did my little excited dance. She laughed at me and I wondered what this woman was doing to me. I was now doing things like planning a fun day and dancing.
“Vivian and Ava can come with us if they want to,” I said and she immediately started looking around the room.
“Oh my gosh, I haven’t called my babies to check on them,” she said. I handed her the phone that fell from her purse when I helped bring her clothes upstairs early this morning.
She immediately dialed Vivian and they spoke on the phone for a few minutes. She assured Vivian that she would give her the full details of how our date went when they saw each other. She asked after Ava too. Then the call ended.
“Ava’s babysitter just got to the house and Vivian has work, so she can’t come with us.”
“You want it to be just us today?” I asked and she nodded.
“That’s fine with me.”
After eating, we freshened up and decided to go to her house first so that she could change into something else before we went out.
Immediately we stepped out of the house, and my phone clicked. I opened it and it was another text from an unknown number. It read, “She’s indeed pretty and you two look good together. But she would have looked better on my arm.”
I looked around my compound. What was going on? Ramon noticed the look on my face and walked over to me. I whispered in his ears to tighten security details around us and send some people to secretly watch out for Ava at Valentina’s house. We got into the car and headed to her house.
My day out with Valentina was filled with top notch fun. We saw a movie, went to a fair and ended the evening with dinner and stargazing. After that, I dropped her off at home and returned to mine where I had the time to fully think about the cryptic messages I’d been getting. Was someone trying to mess around with me? Who was this person? How were they aware of our activities and most importantly, how did they get my number? Was this someone I knew? I had a lot of questions and I needed answers.
Early the next morning, as I got ready to go to work, I thought about it again. I knew that I already had security watching over Valentina’s house but I needed someone to be with her at all times. When I arrived at the office, I called the head of my security team and showed him the texts, asking what can be done to find where they came from. He told me that they’d try to trace the number and pin the reception tower from which the signal of the phone came.
I asked if he needed anything and he said he needed just the phone number which he copied down in a sticky note. Then I told him to get to work while I continued with my own business for the day. A few minutes to noon, I went to Lucian’s office. He was just getting off the phone with Brooklyn.
“How is she?” I asked, lowering myself into one of the chairs opposite his table.
“She’s feeling sick every now and then. Since yesterday, she’s been unable to work. The doctor has told her to take a few days off and rest.”
“I hope she adheres. Women can be stubborn sometimes,” I said and he nodded.
“She is stubborn. You won’t believe she tried cooking dinner last night because she was bored. I told her to read a book or see a movie if she was bored.”