“Now, go keep that in your room and come right out. Right out honey, no playing.” Valentina said and Ava nodded and headed inside, down the corridor. I didn’t realize I was smiling.

“She has a lot of toys, so I think it’s best if you just stop at this.”

I nodded in response and Valentina ushered me to the small dining table set, it had 4 chairs around it. The table was set with dishes of food and a bowl of salad. Ava’s tiny footsteps were heard as she ran back into the sitting room. Valentina lifted her and placed her on one chair, I sat down beside her and Valentina sat at the head of the table.

Valentina went ahead to open the first dish bowl; it had Mac and Cheese in it. She scooped up a little quantity and put it in a hello kitty bowl. She put a little plastic spoon inside and put it in front of Ava, then she went ahead and dished both our foods. We had large portions of chicken while Ava got tiny cuts.

I spent my entire time watching Ava eat and engaging her in conversation about her favorite princess, who as I discovered, was Sofia the First. I didn’t even know who that was. She had good control of her spoon and food for a toddler, and I was impressed. It still felt unreal that I was looking at my own child; my blood ran through her veins. It was an amazing feeling but it came with a lot of fear.

“Don’t be fooled. Some days are messy,” Valentina said and I looked at her.

“For real?” I asked and she laughed.

“Two days ago, we fought over oatmeal. She poured the entire thing on the table. She just really likes Mac and Cheese.”

“She has my eyes,” I said. “How come I didn’t notice that the first time I saw her?”

“At the time, you were looking at a little girl, not your daughter. Now, you’re looking at her differently.”

I nodded and my attention went to Ava when she spat out the chewed-up chicken from her mouth. Valentina stood up.

“Okay, that’s it. She’s done. It’s her way of signaling that she’s done with food.” We both laughed. I watched Valentina take away the plate, bringing wipes over and cleaning Ava’s mouth. Then she drank some water from a sippy cup.

While Ava drank her water, Valentina and I finished up our food. Valentina started clearing the table when Ava let out a loud burp. She laughed and said in her tiny voice, “Eschuuse me,” it warmed my heart.

Valentina sat back down at the dining table, and I cleared my throat. “Do you think we can talk for a few minutes?” I asked.

She looked over at Ava and took her to sit on the couch, as she put on a cartoon for her. Then she returned to the dining table.

“Firstly, I’d like to sincerely apologize for all the things I said to you the other night. I was surprised and overwhelmed with the information. I didn’t handle my emotions well and I said so many hurtful things to you. I’m really sorry.”

She nodded, “It’s alright. I forgive you. I also need to apologize for keeping Ava from you all this time. I was scared and uncertain on what your reaction would be.”

“I totally understand your actions. If I were the one, I’d be scared too. I also want to ask you to be patient with me.”

“Mhm.” I watched her as her eyes went over to Ava on the couch.

“I want to be very present in Ava’s life, but I’ve never done this before. This is a whole new learning curve for me and I’d like for you to please have some patience with me. I may not get everything right the first time but I’m going to learn.”

“I understand. It was really scary for me at first too, but it gets easier.” She said, smiling as she looked at Ava.

“She is a very intelligent girl; you’ve done such an amazing job raising her.”

Valentina smiled this time but it was at me. I felt a tightness and wave of affection engulf me as I saw her beautiful smile and it made me feel better and more at peace.

“Thank you, Leon.”

“And lastly, thank you for dinner. It was delicious.”

She was beaming. “You’re welcome but it’s not over yet. I have a chocolate cake I bought from the store. Sit here. I’ll get it.” She stood up and went into the kitchen while I went over to Ava on the couch to play with her. She was very cheerful and sang along with the theme song of her cartoon.

Valentina returned and I went back to the dining table. Ava saw the cake and her little feet slapping against the floor made its way to the dining table.

“Mommy I want cake.” She said, pointing at the plate in Valentina’s hand. Valentina laughed and used her spoon to cut a tiny piece that she put in Ava’s mouth. Ava went back to the couch and continued with her show while playing with a stuffed bunny that was on the couch.

We finished eating the cake. Ava had dozed off on the couch. Valentina took her to her room but then she came out and said goodnight to me before I left.
