The silence between us now that we were alone was awkward. It was strange how, in one night, we went from having amazing sex to being so cold to one another. I fiddled with the zip of my purse while Leon nervously tapped his leg on the ground.

“That’s very irritating, can you stop?” I asked and he looked at me.


“The thing with your leg, it’s disturbing me.”

He looked at his leg and I could see that for a minute, he thought about what I had just said to him. When he continued tapping his leg, it became clear that he had discarded what I told him. I took out my phone and started going through my email. They were all mostly from James and I started responding to them.

Some time had passed and I was starting to get impatient. This was taking longer than I expected and I had work to get back to. The doctor came back in just then.

“I’m sorry it’s taking so long; these tests often take days. We are doing all we can to speed up the process.” He apologized as he lowered himself into his chair opposite us.

“Must we stay for the entire thing? Can’t we go and return some other time?” I asked and Leon sent me a sharp look.

“What do you mean? Are you the only person who has to work?”

“Unlike you, some of us actually have responsibilities waiting for us back at the office and we cannot send someone else to do them.”

“Hey, let’s all calm down.” The doctor said, stepping into the argument that was about to ensue. “I don’t think leaving is necessary. The tests are already being fast-tracked and the results will be out soon. Let’s remain patient please.”

Leon looked over at me. I met his gaze and looked away. The doctor said, “Speaking of patients, I have a few to attend to and I will return with the results. Please remain calm.” He picked up a file in front of him and left his office.

I started feeling choked up. Being around Leon made me remember all the hurtful things he said to me the last time we saw each other. I stood up and headed for the door.

“Where are you going? The doctor said to be patient.” Leon’s voice filled the office.

“I need fresh air,” I said and walked out. The exit was a straight line down the hall and I walked until I was outside. I stood by the entrance, inhaling and exhaling the fresh air multiple times. After a few minutes, my phone started ringing. It was someone looking to book a visit to the gallery. When I was done with the call, I went back inside to the doctor’s office.

Leon didn’t look up from his phone when I entered the office. I returned to my position on the chair beside him and just then, the doctor returned.

“We finally have the results back. Let me take a look.” He said, opening the file as he sat down. I focused my eyes on his face as it remained neutral. Even though I knew Ava was Leon’s child, I was still nervous. The doctor finally looked up from the paper. He took a copy of the paper out and handed it over to Leon. Then he took out another copy and handed it to me.

“The child is yours, Leon.” He said to Leon and turned to me, “She’s… well, she’s obviously yours.” He said smiling.

I nodded, folded the piece of paper and put it in my purse. Then I stood up, making the doctor stand and Leon followed suit. Leon’s eyes remained glued to the paper like he could not believe anything on it. The doctor stretched his hand out and I took it in a handshake. He stretched it towards Leon and he took it too.

“Thank you doctor,” I said and walked out of his office. As I stormed down the hall, I heard Leon behind me. He increased his pace as I walked faster, almost breaking out into a jog. I got outside and was heading to my car when Leon called out,

“Valentina, wait.” I stopped in my stride. He caught up to me and stood in front of me.

“I hope you understand why I had to do this.” He said and I chuckled slightly trying to hide the anger rising inside of me.

“Yes. To make sure I’m not trying to tie you down with a baby and get some piece of that Pierce money.”

“No, not at all.” He said and then he shook his head. “You know what? Let’s forget all of this. I accept this responsibility and I want to be in Ava’s life. I don’t know how this will affect us all but I’m ready for whatever changes I’ll need to make.”

I eyed him and looked away.

“Do you mind us having dinner? You’d bring Ava along so that I can get to know my little girl. It’s a good place to start, don’t you think?”

“You’re joking right?” I asked and a confused expression clouded his face. His look made me calm myself down. I also had to come to terms with the fact that he would want to be in his daughter’s life. I couldn’t refuse him from seeing her but I wondered how very different our lives will be. A part of my mind still worried that he’d want to make a power move and take Ava from me, but I had long sworn that I’d die before I let that happen.

“Let’s do it at my place. Dinner. Tomorrow, 6 p.m. Ava will be more comfortable at home,” I said. I walked past him to my car not waiting to hear his response.

As I drove back to the office, I started thinking of the effect this will have on Ava. Will she adapt easily to having a father figure or will she struggle? As a toddler, would she even notice? What about me? How was this whole co-parenting thing going to work? I knew that this time was going to come and even though I said I’d be prepared, I was clearly not ready. Somewhere at the back of my mind, I wished Ava was older before Leon reentered our lives. That way, it’d be easier to have these conversations with her.

I thought about Leon and how this whole thing must feel for him. Barely a week ago, he found out that he has a child and has been plunged into the world of fatherhood. I imagined what he’d be going through. This was truly not easy for anyone of us involved.