

I lay down on my bed after sending my driver to get Valentina’s car and take it to her house. My eyes were wide open and the headache intensified. Overnight, I had become a father and I still didn’t know what to do. The side of the bed I was lying on suddenly felt too hot, so I moved to the other side. I continued moving from side to side because I couldn’t get my mind to settle down and go to bed. Little Ava was my daughter. I tried to think of her face that day in the coffee shop. Sure, I had even thought she could be mine. But now it was reality. I didn’t know the first thing about being a father. How was I supposed to be one now?

By dawn, I was exhausted. My eyes were bloodshot, and it hurt to keep them open. I shut them but I still couldn’t sleep. My body was beginning to ache. Somewhere along the line, I must have slept off because it was noon by the time I woke up. My phone beside me had almost twenty missed calls and tons of messages.

I wanted to call everyone back but I couldn’t bring myself to. How was I going to start talking about this? I needed some time to myself, so I pressed hard on the power button and switched my phone off and went back to bed.

Giselle, my house manager, knocked on my door towards 3 p..

“The door is open.”

The door slowly opened and she quietly came in. “Is everything okay sir?” she asked.

“Yes, everything is fine. I just need some time alone,” I said.

“Alright, sir. Should I tell the chef to bring up your lunch?” she asked.

I looked around me and sighed. My stomach started rumbling in hunger at the mention of food. “Yes, please. Bring me an ibuprofen too.”

She nodded, “Alright, sir.” And left the room. I yawned and went into the bathroom to freshen up. After I was done having my bath, I came out into the room and the food tray was sitting on a small collapsible coffee table. The chef must have brought the coffee table into the room along with the food. I went into the closet, put on sweatpants, returned to the room, sat on the armchair, and started eating. I turned on the tv that I had not used in a while.

While I ate, there was a loud knock on my door and it opened almost immediately. Lucian, Logan and Miguel walked into my room and stared at me while I was putting a french fry in my mouth.

“What is wrong with you?” Logan asked.

“I am a bit under the weather. I needed to rest.” I responded.

Miguel and Lucian went over to the bed and sat down. “Do you know how crazy you have to be to not tell anyone anything and just turn off your phone?” Lucian asked, sounding annoyed.

“I’m sorry. I’ve just been thinking.”

“About what?” Miguel asked.

“Something happened last night and it’s still surprising to me.”

“Tell us what it is and this thing better be worth the worry you’ve put all of us through today,” Logan said.

“Valentina and I errr… we had dinner.”

“So?” Lucian asked.

“We had dinner, came back here and something went down. She suddenly got up and tried to leave. At this time, it was very late and I was trying to convince her to stay. That was when she told me.”

“Told you what?” They all asked in unison.

“She told me that she has a child with me.”

“What?!” Miguel spat.

“Yeah, I am a father to a three-year-old,” I said in a resigned tone.

“Oh my goodness,” Logan said. “That is a lot to drop on someone.”

“It is. Have you seen this child before? Around her or anything.” Lucian asked.

“Yes, I have. I ran into them a few weeks ago at a coffee shop. You know, I had spoken to you guys about how she was being cold towards me after we met and I didn’t know why. She sort of softened after I saw her with the little girl.”