"Do we?" Aaron spits out, pulling his arm away from me. "Because it sounds like you're lying to both of us, Addison. I don't want you to touch me right now. It's disgusting."

I recoil, his words leaving scars. I can do nothing but watch as he grabs his stuff and stalks out the door, slamming it closed behind him in the process. I wait for a few minutes, hoping he comes back, but as the time passes and I realize I'm alone, I fall to the floor in a flood of tears.

Chapter 4

Icalloutsickthe next day to work. I don't have the energy to leave the apartment. I spent all night crying, texting and trying to call Aaron. He refused to answer or respond to any of my messages and when I checked Facebook this morning, I immediately noticed he had unfriended me.

When my phone rings around lunch time, I leap on it, answering before I can check caller ID.

"Hello?" I answer quickly, desperately listening and waiting for Aaron's voice.

"Is this Ms. Holland?"

I pull the phone back and realize I don't have the number saved. "Yeah, it is. Who's this?"

Normally, I'm much more polite with my phone mannerisms but lack of sleep and heartbreak has me giving exactly zero fucks at this point.

"My name is Mitchell. I'm calling from the leasing agency. We haven't received your rent check this month."

"Oh," I mutter. "I thought I'd sent it. I'll check and sort it out."

The man on the other end of the line hums thoughtfully. "Please do. We require payment immediately as per your lease terms. Also, while I have you on the phone. Your lease is up for renewal next month. The landlord would like to make some amendments to the terms before signing a new one."

"What type of amendments?"

"I'm going to email the new terms for you to review. Of course, the landlord will not be in a position to extend your lease if your rent check isn't received as soon as possible. I'd suggest getting that sorted first then going over your current lease with the new terms."

I sigh. "I'll check payment as soon as I get off the phone and find my copy of the lease."

I spend a few more minutes crying again after the phone call, before finally picking myself up to sort out the mess. I check our mail pile on the kitchen bench first. I distinctly remember asking Aaron to mail out the check last week.

As my fingers sort through the letters, I pause as I find the envelope addressed to the leasing agency. No surprise that Aaron has forgotten to mail it out – again. I pull it out from the pile and place it on the coffee table so I can run it down to the post office today.

I need to find the lease next, my mind panicking about being evicted. That's the last thing I need right now. I check my important paperwork box but come up short before remembering that Aaron had asked to review the lease a few months ago.

Aaron dumps all his paperwork in his bedside drawer, along with anything else that doesn't have a specific place in the apartment. I head to the bedroom, sitting on the edge of the bed as I open the drawer which is overfilled with paperwork and belongings. Grabbing a pile, I drop it onto the bed, sitting back on my folded legs to sort through it.

Most of the paperwork is creased from being shoved in there, some with splotches of food and coffee stains on it.

I finally find the lease, holding up the slightly torn up, creased disaster. I set it aside and start gathering up the other paperwork to put back in the drawer. As I shift through, an envelope stops me in my tracks. The Groveton logo sits in the corner, also with the associated medical clinic. I'm not sure what comes over me, but I grab the letter out, my eyes gazing over Aaron's recent medical results.

Everything looks normal – until I spot it.

Chlamydia: Positive

I drop the paperwork into my lap, my eyes burning holes into the incriminating evidence.

He lied to me.

Aaron flat out lied to me and had the nerve to accuse me of having an affair. Worst of all, behind the results is the unfilled prescription for antibiotics. Not only did he have it, but he hasn't even bothered to get the drugs to treat it.

I burst into tears again, sobbing on the bed until I'm physically unable to cry anymore.


I mean, Ineverdo this.

I needed to get out of the apartment and find a distraction. I can't stand being alone in the apartment at the moment and at this time of night, the only really open place is the damn nightclub.