"He's really lovely," I say, putting my bag down on the spot next to me. "How have you been?"

Chrizzy smiles. "I've been good. Just practicing for theater auditions soon. I'm really hoping to land a spot inChicago."

"Oh, I loveChicago,"I reply. "I watched it so much that I scratched the DVD. You know, before Netflix and stuff was around."

Chrizzy nods, waving at someone on the field. I follow, immediately spotting Jax on the field near the start line, giving her a wave back.

My eyes scan the crowd of runners waiting, finding Beau and Chase in other small groups. When the announcer calls out the first group, Jax makes his way to his start position, stretching.

"What made them get into running? I mean, they obviously love it but it's not your thing," I ask her.

She shrugs. "They always were the sporty type. Dad was a football player. I suppose that's where they get it from. Mom hates sports. She's a self-proclaimed unbalanced weirdo so she stuck to books. But she never missed an event for them. Rain, hail or shine, we were all there. What about you? Any family back home?"

"Just my parents. I'm an only child," I tell her. "It would have been interesting having siblings but my parents were happy with us being the Three Musketeers."

"Pfft, siblings are overrated," Chrizzy laughs. "Imagine growing up with two older brothers. I was never allowed to date unless they vetted them. Jax used to stalk them on social media and find out all their dirty little secrets before they even asked me out. And Beau, he was this string bean of a kid, towering over everyone. He used to think he was John Cena and would size them up, giving the whole 'you hurt my sister' talk. To their credit, they scared off a lot of douchebags."

I laugh. "I can imagine them doing that to be honest."

"You know Jax as well?" she asks as the gun fires in the air and the runners take off.

Our eyes follow the runners around the track, my heart racing in excitement as Jax clearly outruns all of them with his impressive speed.

"Yeah, and Chase," I answer honestly.

I catch the eye of Chase, his face lighting up. He lifts his arm high, giving me the biggest obnoxious wave ever. The movement catches Beau's attention, who turns to look at us.

Even from a distance, I can see his surprised expression before he smiles, turning away as his group is ushered up to the starting position when Jax's group finishes. Of course, Jax wins easily and Chrizzy and I cheer, howling like two southern men watching the Super Bowl.

A few rogue runners give us creeped out looks but we just laugh to ourselves. As Beau gets into his lane, I can see him trying not to laugh.

Chrizzy sighs, resting her hands on her knees. "Let's see how Beau does. He's been slacking off lately."

I look at her sadly, knowing the truth about why. Something inside of me wants to cheer him on, and against my better introverted judgement, I stand up, cupping my mouth like a funnel.

"Go Beau!"

He doesn't look our way but I can see his jawline twitch with amusement. Chrizzy looks at me, bewildered at first, before she stands up as well, copying my cheers.

The sound of the gun fires silencing us and we watch as the runners spring from their position.

"Holy fuck," Chrizzy breathes out.

Beau shoots off from his position, much like Jax did and takes an early lead. I follow him around the track, holding my breath as we watch the race.

As the runners turn the final corner, Beau pushes further ahead, winning.

"Oh my God!" Chrizzy yells, jumping up and down. "He fucking did it. That big buffoon actually did it for once."

"What?" I ask, blinking at her and suddenly feeling exposed by how loud she's being.

Chrizzy turns towards me, grabbing my hands as she dances on the spot. "Heactuallyran. He hasn't tried like that in months. Woo! Team Edwards for the win!"

I stare at her wide-eyed as she jumps and flails my arms about. Eventually, I crack, laughter bursting out of me at her infectious cackles.

Down on the track, I see Chase and Jax walk over to Beau, exchanging words as they pat him on the shoulder. They look proud and I can't help but feel the same.

As the next group is called, Chase looks over at us in the stands, giving me a wink. He all but struts over to the starting position, showboating for us while the other competitors stare at him.