Chase notices, grabbing my arm and pulling it against his torso. "Aftercare, silly. Just relax."

"What is aftercare?"

He gives me a bewildered look. "Aftercare is what you do after sex, especially intense sex. Sex can leave all sorts of emotions and it's a way for everyone to give time and attention afterwards to talk about it or just feel comfortable after."

"Oh," I mumble, tapping my fingers on his chest. "So, we hug?"

Chase chuckles, pulling me firmer against him. "Everyone's aftercare looks different. But yes, hugging can be involved. It's my way of making sure you are okay and giving you any support you need."

It's such a weird concept. Aaron would usually just leave or go to sleep. We never really cuddled after sex. Maybe in the early days we did, but never anything like this the last few months.

It's kind of… nice.

"I think this is good. I like this," I say, resting my head against him.

"Did you enjoy it?" he asks, stroking my back with his fingers.

My cheeks blush. "I've never come so much before. It was intense."

"I told you, some guys are all about the pleasure. It gets me off seeing how much you get off. Also, it's fun to use pleasure as torture."

I shake my head, letting out a breathy laugh. "You made me pass out."

"I know," he says softly. "And that was mild on what I can make you feel. But we'll take baby steps. It's about enjoying yourself and learning to be more comfortable."

I'm not sure what to respond so I just nod against him. He leans down, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"Do you want to talk about what happened earlier?" he asks.

I sigh. "I ran into Maxine. She was acting all surprised about Aaron and I separating. In my head, I had planned on how I was going to confront her. I've got at least a dozen different ways I wanted to. But I froze up. I couldn't do it. She just made me so mad. Then I saw she had been to the pharmacy and it just made me wonder if she was getting antibiotics or something."

"Hm," Chase hums. "I can see how that would be upsetting."

"I don't like the power they have over me," I add softly. "I don't want to be mad. I don't like it. But I don't know how to move on from this."

Chase reaches over, grabbing the water and holding it out to me. "Time, Hurricane. It will take time. But we'll do whatever it takes to help you heal from this. You can take back the power."

I sit up, taking a gulp of water. "I just wanted to feel like I could hurt them back. Is that wrong?"

He shakes his head. "No, of course not. What they did to you is horrible. Everything you feel is valid."

"I just want to prove I'm worth more than what they are making me feel. And I obviously can't run or confront them right now. So, I decided to give the sex thing a go."

Chase grins, leaning over to kiss my shoulder. "There's a whole world out there that you haven't discovered yet. That anal pimple was not the best thing you'll ever have."

"That was way better than anything I ever had with him," I admit. "Even this… this aftercare stuff, it's better. Sex with Aaron felt like a chore. He never cared about me. We never cuddled after. We just did it when he felt like it, then I was left alone."

The grin drops from his face, his eyes hardening. "We will never do that. I can promise you."

"I don't know if I could have sex with all of you," I say, ashamed and scared of hurting their feelings.

He shrugs. "You do whatever you feel comfortable with. We will support you no matter what. And if you want to try dating, we will still teach you how to date."

"Maybe," I reply. "I need to focus on classes and find somewhere permanent to stay. But I think I should. Date, I mean."

Chase nods. "Whatever you think is best. Are you hungry? I'm starving after that. Let's get some food so we can restore our energy. I don't know about you, but man I could go for a cheeseburger."

Ithoughtcheeseburgersmeanttakeaway, but as usual, Chase continues to impress me with his cooking skills. I stand in the kitchen, watching him cook shirtless as he makes a batch of burgers for all of us.