I cross the quad to head towards the grass so I can sit down and read in the sun for a bit. It's a little cooler than the last few days, thankfully. My bag hangs off my shoulder, packed with a few books and some snacks.

I manage to score a spot under a tree in the shade, sitting down against the trunk of the tree. I open my book, fetching out a copy of the latest dark romance book I'm devouring. I'm nearly finished and it's probably the last fictional book I'll get a chance to read for a while.

Opening the book where my blood red bookmark is lodged, I continue reading from my last spot. It always amazes me that girls in these books are so confident. I nearly didn't give this book a chance. I picked it up from a book store in town and didn't realize it was something called reverse harem until I was about a third of the way through the book when suddenly the main character was getting railed by more than one guy.

But the more I read, the more I fell in love with the book and now I may never look at a normal romance again. I've fallen down the why choose rabbit hole and I don't think I'll be climbing out anytime soon.

I'm completely engrossed in the book that I fail to hear the footsteps or see the shadow until someone flings themselves down next to me.

"Fuck me, it's hot today," Maxine groans.

I tense up, my head turning slowly to look at her as she leans against the tree next to me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask politely. I realize that I haven't confronted her yet nor have I replied to her recent text messages.

"I was just heading back to my campus dorm and saw you sitting here by yourself. You're such a loner, Addie. Also, why haven't you responded to my messages? I needed some help yesterday but it's all good, I managed to sort myself out," she grins.

I give her a curt, tight nod. "I've been busy."

She turns towards me, resting on her knees. "What's going on? You said you had a fight with Aaron. Girl, you should have called me."

I shrug. "I just wanted to be alone, I guess."

Max groans. "I don't understand. You and Aaron are so good together. I bet the fight was about something stupid."

"He hasn't told you?" I ask through clenched teeth.

She looks at me confused. "Tell me what? I haven't spoken to him."

I close my book. "Nothing. It's fine. We're just over so he's free to do whatever he wants."

It's a bit bitchy of me, I'll admit. But it's frustrating that she has the gall to sit here and act like she has no idea what is going on. Even if Aaron hasn't told her anything, she was still sleeping with him behind my back.

Max flings her hair out of her face. "Anyway, I had this amazing date last night with a guy from the lacrosse team. Let me tell you, they know how to handle a stick."

"Okay!" I say, putting my book in my bag. "I need to head off as I have an appointment but I'll chat to you later."

She looks at me blankly, following suit when I stand up. I look down at the bag on the ground at her feet.

"You've been to the pharmacy?" I ask, recognizing the logo on the plastic bag.

Max looks down at the bag, picking it up quickly. "Oh that. Yeah, just picking up a few things." She laughs, moving the bag out of sight.

We meet eyes and I give her a forced smile. "I'll see you around," I say as nicely as possible, grabbing my bag and swinging it over my shoulder.

Before she can respond, I walk off, heading back to the apartment.

I rarely get mad. Anger has never been one of my primary feelings but right now, I could hit something. Maybe not hit, but I could definitely yell.

I'm so worked up, my mind spinning at the nerve of her that when I stomp back into the apartment, I scare the shit out of Chase on the couch.

"Jesus, Hurricane incoming!" he shouts, his hand gripping the top of the couch as he looks at me wildly.

"Where are the others?" I ask, looking around for signs of Jax and Beau.

Chase shrugs. "Not here. They went out a little while ago. Why?"

I walk over to the couch, dropping my bag on the ground. My impulses take over, fuelled by the burning red-hot anger in my veins and I straddle Chase on the couch.