I curse myself for thinking of something so stupid. But the last few days, I've gotten to know Beau's morning schedule fairly well. I have a general idea of what time he comes back when he's either out running or when they are meeting their coach. It gives me a little time to hide from the other two.

Except it feels like I'm invading his privacy by going into his room.

Louder noises sound from Chase's room and I decide to go to the middle door and crack it open to look inside Beau's bedroom. I must have hit my head when I took my roll because I slip inside the room, closing the door behind me.

Peaking around the room, I'm surprised to find it so tidy and the same color as the living room. I know the living room is tidy, but for some reason, I assumed that all men were slobs and their bedrooms were probably where they kept all their mess. But it's clean, even the bed is made.

There's a tiny built-in closet with a mirror door to the right, and above his double bed is a window. The blinds are open, the warmth streaming in and starting to heat up the room. To the left, he has a desk with his laptop – books are piled neatly next to it, and in the corner there's a shelf with more trophies and medals. Two bedside drawers sit aside the bed and I take a seat on the edge of the bed, pondering my next option.

This was a really stupid idea because now I need to sneak out at some point without being busted.

I hear Chase's door open as he heads out to the living room and I realize I am well and truly stuck now. There's no going back from my decision.

I pull out my cell, killing some time by checking social media. I take some screenshots of local news as well as some updates from things back home.

Keeping an ear out, I listen to sounds from the living room and kitchen, waiting until the coast is clear when I can sneak back out. Chase is in the kitchen it seems, probably getting coffee or breakfast. I do my best to stay quiet, while questioning my mental health.

Is this the start of a breakdown? I belong in a facility at this point. What kind of psycho hides in someone's room when they are trying to hide fromthem?

I'm just starting to give myself a pep talk on walking out of the room before it's too late and think of some reasonable explanation as to my behavior when I hear Chase's voice in the kitchen.

"Oh, Beau. You're back early."

A door closes in the distance somewhere, immediately sending me in a panic.

Fucking fuck fuck… Beau's home.

I dart to my feet, looking around the room in a panic as I try to find a place to hide. I quickly flatten out the ass imprint on the bed and rush to the closet door, squeezing inside. I close the door, engulfing me in shirts and darkness as I listen.

Shirts on hangers dangle around me, the smell of Beau overwhelming me as I stay frozen like a statute. His bedroom door opens and closes, the sound of footsteps outside the door making my heart race.

I am in so much trouble.

I can hear Beau moving around the room and I squeeze my eyes, praying to whoever will listen that he leaves the bedroom so I can sneak out. How long is it possible to stay hidden in a closet for?

The sounds of movement near the door panic me but they move away again. I let out a shaky breath and wait.

It sounds quiet again and I try to think back to remember if I hear the door. Did he leave? I can't hear anything.

I listen closely, blinking in the darkness, when suddenly the closet door is slid open, blinding me with light.

"Addison?" Beau chokes out in shock, staring at me perched in the closet with one of his shirts conveniently on my head.

"Uh, hi?" I mumble awkwardly.

My eyes trail over him, widening when I realize he is stark naked. To the point whereeverythingis inches in front of me. I squeal, turning around in the closet. "I'm sorry!"

"What the hell are you doing in the closet?" he asks, the sound of frantic movement behind me.

I shake my head. "I'm sorry! There's no explanation that's going to make this sound less insane."

"You can try," he says. "Also I'm decent now. You can come out."

Turning my head slowly, I spot him in a pair of black boxers standing near the bed.

I step out of the cupboard, face red. "I was trying to hide. I figured this was the best place for privacy since you were out running. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to invade your space. I'm so sorry… I'm really sorry," I plead, tears starting to swell up in my eyes.

Beau's face scrunches up with uncertainty. "You're not in trouble. Calm down. I was just surprised, that's all. You don't need to apologize that much. Jesus, you're shaking."