I quickly reach into my pocket, pulling out my tiny wallet. I grab a crisp five dollar bill and hold it out to him.

"Here," I offer sincerely, my voice full of embarrassment. "For a new drink."

He holds up his free hand. "It's fine, really."

"No," I argue, my voice filling with more urgency. "Please take it."

Reluctantly, he holds out his fingers, prying the bill from my grip. He looks uneasy accepting it, but the alternative of having a distressed girl seems to have helped him make the right decision.

I sneak a look over my shoulder, checking for a gap in the entrance so I can leave. People are still flooding in and I have no idea how fire marshalls haven't closed this place down with the amount of people still entering. I guess everyone is keen to have some fun before classes.

Well, except me.

"Here, come with me," the guy offers, nodding his head away from the entrance. I look at him uneasy, but slowly follow him along the wall. I check again for Max until we reach an emergency exit door.

I open my mouth to argue, but he pushes it outwards, a rush of cool summer air hitting my fan in bliss. I half-expected an alarm to sound, but there's nothing, so I quickly follow him outside to the alleyway.

"Are we going to get in trouble for that?" I ask, watching as he closes the door shut behind us.

"Nope, it's fine. I do it all the time," he answers, checking to make sure it's sealed properly.

When he turns back to face me, I swallow hard, suddenly intimidated by his height. Six-foot-three, my guess, with a lean frame. His dark brown hair is only a few shades lighter than his eyes, pushed back from sweat but still looking better than the sweaty mess I am.

"I'm fairly certain it's just for emergencies only."

He laughs. "Was this not an emergency of some type?"

My cheeks flush as I do my best to remain composed. "It was just really busy in there and I didn't want to continue being a pinball."

"Then you're welcome," he says lightly, putting his hands in his pockets.

I nod. "Thank you. I better be heading back home. It's far too humid to stay outside for long."

"Not from around here, I take it?" he asks, motioning for me to follow him to the main street.

"Is it that easy to tell?"

"The humidity is quite mild. Only someone from out of state would think this is hot."

I let out a nervous, breathy laugh. "Well, I'm a winter baby. Wrap me up, anytime," I look at him in panic. "No, I mean… I like winter and being warm… wrapped up in a cocoon. Not for you to, you know, wrap around me personally. Not that you're not attractive, it's just…"

I can tell he's trying not to laugh at my stupidity, so I decide the best option is to just give up and run away while I can.

"It's been a pleasure. Not that… anyway, I'm heading off. Thank you, and sorry about your drink."

My footsteps bounce off surrounding buildings as I heavily walk on the cement path, pushing myself to power walk at uncomfortable speeds. Before I turn the corner out of sight though, I swear I can hear him laughing.

Chapter 2

"Addison!Haveyouseenmy hoodie?"

I look up from the couch, my eyes peering over the top of the book I'm reading. I'm trying to get some last minute fiction in before I'm smashed with prescribed college textbooks. "I haven't touched your hoodie. Also, it's a billion degrees outside. Why do you need your hoodie?"

"It's meant to rain later. I was just being proactive," Aaron grumbles, reaching into his gym bag to fish around.

My face scrunches up in confusion. "Even in the rain, you won't need one. It's humid as hell."

"Addison," he sighs, looking over at me. "I just need it. There's no need to question me."