I'm surprised when Jax comes over and puts a hand on my shoulder. "You're safe now. Just remember that."

I nod, looking up at him. "Thank you," I murmur to him, my body filled with gratitude.

I'm not sure what I would have done if they hadn't come and found me. Who knows what else Aaron is capable of?

"I'm sorry about your book," Beau says, walking past and sitting down near me. "I really don't have any comforting words."

I look at him sadly as Jax sits next to his brother. "I don't know what to say either. This is my own fault for going on the date. I should have known better."

"Hey," Chase interjects. "Don't you dare wear any blame here. You did nothing wrong – nothing at all. This is all on him."

The other two voice their agreement while I take the glass of wine from Chase's hand. I take a large, generous gulp, curling up on the couch to hold my knees. "My whole life was in that book. Every happy memory, achievement… things I love. He took that away from me. Just like he takes everything else."

My mind is in shock as I try to process how quickly my life has blown up. Last week, everything seemed good. Last week I was a normal college student getting ready for my junior year and my anniversary. Now, I'm nothing. Back to square one.

Chapter 10

Thenextmorning,thefeeling of sadness still hangs over me like a dark cloud. It's almost heartbreaking to think a book holds more value than my year-long relationship. Even if things were good with Aaron, I still would have mourned the loss of the scrapbook more.

He took away everything I had. Now the memories that I loved and cherished so dearly only exist in my head. And time is a cruel thing – what if one day I forget one of the memories? Like that I was wearing a green shirt on my fifteenth birthday or the color of the flowers in the background of the photo with my grandparents who are now in Heaven.

What hurts even more is today would have been our one year anniversary.

Originally, I had planned to splurge and buy our favorite takeout meal, watch the first movie we ever saw together, and buy him that engraved bracelet I picked out two months ago. I had planned it all to a tee, happy to celebrate such a significant milestone. Instead, I'm curled up on some strangers' couch, eating a bag of potato chips while watching trashy tv.

The guys are out training again and I have no intentions of opening Tinder right now or leaving the apartment. I'm just going to be a couch potato – literally – since I'm eating my weight in potato chips.

I make a note to leave some money on the counter later for them. I'll need to organize some groceries since I don't want to eat all their food. But to their credit, the guys seem happy to share.

Chase and I drank wine last night before pulling out Twister. Drunk Twister is perhaps my new favorite game – not that I'm any good at it. My hand and foot coordination is shit at the best of times, let alone when I'm drunk on mid-priced white wine.

My cell dings next to me and I lazily reach for it, checking the text. I'm surprised to see it's from Maxine. I have to admit, I've been a shit friend. I completely forgot she existed the last few days.

Maxine: I'm at your front door. Where are you?

My stomach turns in knots as I send back a quick message, feeling guilty that she's standing outside an apartment I no longer live in.

Addison: I broke up with Aaron and staying with friends. Are you okay?

I don't know how I'm going to explain the situation to her. I'm not comfortable telling anyone where I am. How do I also tell someone I'm crashing with three random guys?

I need to sort out the leasing situation this week. Even if Aaron moves out, I'm not sure I can bring myself to go back. Too many memories live there, threatening to haunt me. It's bad enough that the ones in my mind are working overtime. Not to mention how unsafe I would feel being there by myself, knowing he could turn up at any time.

Thankfully, the lease is nearly expired so we can skip renewal and give our notice to vacate. Unless, of course, anal pimple decides to stay there.

My cell dings again not long after I send my reply.

Maxine: What?! Why? He's so awesome. Did you have a fight or something?

"Or something…" I mutter out loud, sighing.

Addison: Something like that. I just need some alone time right now, I'm sorry. I'll check in with you later.

It pains me to push people away, but it's for the best right now. I can't have anyone else dragged into my mess. I'm terrified Aaron might use Max to get to me, or worse, hurt her. It's best to keep her in the dark to protect both of us.

I hear a reply come through but I ignore it, going back to the terrible tv show about love triangles and secret babies. I forgot how trashy daytime tv was since we live in a world of Netflix and Amazon Prime now.

The sound of a key in the door clicking makes my ears perk up and I turn my head, watching as the door swings open. The three guys drag themselves into the room, laughing amongst themselves. They wave hello at me and I give them a small wave back with my hand covered in specs of potato.