"He was your first?" Beau asks without judgement.

I nod. "Yeah. I'd be a mess in the dating world."

Chase puts his arm up like a kid in the classroom. "I can teach you."

"Teach me?" I repeat slowly. "To date?"

"Sure," he says casually. "We can help you write your bio and tell you what guys want to hear."

I blink at him. "That sounds… wonderful and all, but then what do I do when it comes to dates and… the other thing."

"Sex, you mean?" Jax finishes for me, dryly. "Sex is just sex. Trust us, no guy is going to be overthinking it or critiquing you."

"That sounds terrifying," I admit, looking away sheepishly. "But I'm open to any help I can get, I guess."

Chase grins wickedly at me. "It's settled then. We will be your personal guides! I happen to have plenty of experience with the ladies."

A snort in my ear makes me jump. "Bullshit. You went on a few dates but got sidetracked by running," Beau laughs. "We all do. But we're not completely hopeless. And we're guys after all. We know how men think."

"Speak for yourself," Jax murmurs to himself.

I have no idea what he is referring to but give a slightly enthusiastic nod. "Here – write something for me," I direct at Chase, handing him my phone.

Together, the three of them put together a short bio about me. It's very generic, especially considering none of them know me from a bar of soap, but I have to admit, it's quite catching.

"Recently single and a journalism major. I love caffeine, nature walks and having fun. I'm quiet at first, but once you get to know me, I'm like a storm. You'll find out why they are named after people," I gasp at them. "Seriously? Won't guys find this ridiculous?"

"Nah," Jax says, tilting his head back and closing his eyes. "It sounds mysterious. And men love a recently single woman. It ignites their savior-damsel in distress reflex. They will all want to save you."

"You mean take advantage," I grumble. "What if they want to have sex?"

Beau looks at me carefully. "You don't want to have sex?"

"Of course I do," I answer quickly but quietly, looking away. "I just need to make sure I actually like them first. I need to know I can trust them and that there's some type of connection. Is that weird?"

The three of them shake their heads slowly. "No, it's not. But just remember, you're going to have to kiss a lot of frogs to find the genuine ones. But hey – that's the fun of it," Chase smirks, letting out a sinister laugh.

Chapter 8

Iwakeupthefollowing morning to find I have seventeen matches on Tinder –seventeen.

"Fuck," I moan, scrolling through the list as I lean against the kitchen bench. Jax is making coffee, his face stern as he watches the pot with narrowed eyes. I guess he really isn't a morning person, after all.

"I knew you'd be popular," Chase says, bouncing into the kitchen. He slaps Jax on the shoulder, earning himself a growl.

I click my cell screen closed, too overwhelmed this early in the morning to go through the list. I'm going to need coffee first – I guess Jax and I have that in common.

Chase grabs an apple from the fruit bowl, chomping into it as he whizzes past us in sweatpants and a fitted cotton shirt. The apartment temperature seems to be kept cool constantly so I'm envious that they get to enjoy their selection of clothing here all year round. At home, I tend to wear as minimal as possible – that is, shorts and a shirt, to help fight the heat. I only packed light clothes yesterday so I'm feeling a little chilly in the apartment in my shorts and tank top.

"I don't know where to start," I admit, following Chase to the couch. I figure it's best to leave Jax to his coffee glares and he will join us where his social radar reaches an acceptable level.

"I'll help you," Chase offers, flinging himself onto the couch so he's laying across it.

I take a seat near his feet, curling my legs under my body. "Where's Beau?" I ask.

"Morning run," Chase answers. "He's dealing with some things at the moment, so you'll find him running a fair bit."

"I thought he was getting distracted with his running."