Greg nods. "You got it."

I fetch an apron, taking my time before downing the express coffee Greg hands my way. It takes about half an hour to kick in, giving me just enough energy to not scare away the customers.

I'm standing at the till, taking orders when I spot a familiar face walk in. Instantly, my face hardens and I turn away.

"Addison," Aaron starts, standing at the counter. "How are you?"

Sighing, I lift my head to meet his gaze, too tired for his bullshit today. "What do you want, Aaron?"

"Short black. And to let you know I've moved out of the apartment. The leasing agency confirmed the lease has officially ended."

I nod sharply. "Good."

Aaron looks around, pleased that he has all the luck. There's no line for the first time since my shift started, meaning he can hold my attention for a little longer.

"Did you get the money? Are we good?"

Rolling my eyes, I fold my arms. "Are we good? Really? We're never going to be good, Aaron. You don't know how to be good."

His mouth tightens as his eyes harden up. "You're not the easiest person to get along with either, Addison. I tried as hard as I could."

I laugh sarcastically. "You didn't try anything, Aaron. The only thing you tried to do was control me. Well I have news for you. I'm a hurricane, Aaron. You never would have stopped my trajectory. You say I wasn't easy to get along with either. That's fine if you believe that, because I know, deep down, what a good person I am. And if you believe I created waves, then you can drown in them. Now if you don't mind, there's a customer coming through the door."

Whenworkends,Istill find my central nervous system is a mess. I'm not sure if it's from the coffee Greg made which tasted like it should be illegal, or if it's from the encounter with Aaron. Either way, I decide to text the one friend I have right now.

"Chrizzy!" I call out, spotting her as I approach the quad.

She swings around, waving dramatically as I head towards her.

"I'm so happy you texted," she grins. "I've been wondering how you were. Did you hear about Beau?"

"Yeah," I nod. "It's so good that the police finally sorted their crap out."

Turns out after Beau realized his sister and I were becoming friends, he confided in her that I knew about the incident… as well as the fact I was their roommate now. Chrizzy had been relieved to have someone to talk to about things, blowing up my cell with texts in between random Booktok videos. Besides theatre and coffee, I had found out that she was also a dark romance lover, and sent me her three hundred long TBR list.

"You look weird today," she says, her hazel eyes looking me up and down.

"I didn't sleep," I repeat, sick of people pointing out I look like crap.

Chrizzy nods. "Me either. Lindsay and I were up late last night playing video games. What has made you so tired?"

We walk away from the quad, away from prying ears. "I need a friend. Can you keep a secret?" I ask, sitting down on a bench.

"You know I can," she answers. "What's up?"

Sighing, I cover my face with my hands. "I think I'm in love with your brothers… including the adopted one."

I peek through my fingers at her, waiting for her reaction. She blinks a few times, processing my words before finally laughing.

"Really? Those three idiots?" she teases.

"Chrizzy," I groan. "Please help."

She nods. "Right. So, you have feelings for three dudes. So what? Do you need somewhere to crash?"

I shrug. "Maybe. They don't seem too happy with me now."

"Why?" she asks, concerned.