Jax must have untied me at some point, but I can barely remember anything that happened after coming so hard last night.

"What time is it?" I ask, swinging my legs over the side of the bed and reaching for my shorts.

"Dick o'clock, apparently. Did you like being tied up?" Chase asks, laughing.

I stand up, buttoning up my shorts. I'm desperate for a shower and some food, so I ignore him, heading for the door.

Stepping out in the living room, I'm immediately confronted by Beau pacing back and forth. He looks at me, blinking as he takes in my messy appearance.

"What's going on?" I ask, walking over.

Beau visibly swallows, shaking his head to clear his thoughts as he looks back up to my face. "Police contacted me. They want me to go to the station today. Apparently they made a decision about the charges but wouldn't tell me what."

It feels like cold water is dumped over my head, the news instantly waking me up. "I'll come with you. I just need a quick shower."

He looks unsure, hesitating before he nods. "Okay. Jax is on the phone to our parents. They want to organize an attorney to come with me, but it's the weekend. They will be hard pressed to find one without notice, and I can't wait any longer. I've been waiting for this for ages."

"I know," I mutter softly. "Let me shower quickly and I'll come with you."

I cross paths with Jax in the hallway, his cell pressed firmly to his ear as he talks in a low voice. I put my hand on his shoulder as I pass, him giving me a comforting smile as I do.

I head into the bathroom, flicking on the shower and quickly undressing.

It's easily the fastest shower I've ever had, as I quickly scrub myself and dash back down the hallway in a towel to Chase's bedroom. I grab the closest clothes I can see, a navy cotton dress and some undergarments, pulling them up and tying my hair up in a messy bun.

By the time I rush back to the living room, Beau has his car keys in his hand, waiting.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come?" Jax asks, his hand on Beau's shoulder.

Beau shakes his head, forcing a smile. "I'll be fine. Addie will be with me. You guys wait here and I'll text you as soon as I know what's going on."

"I'll keep the cell with me," Jax promises. "Mom and Dad are on standby as well."

Chase rubs my back, a silent gesture to look after Beau as I follow him out the door. I can tell he's nervous, his back straight and tense as we head to the apartment parking lot.

"It's going to be okay," I tell him, linking my hand with his as we step into the elevator.

Beau squeezes my hand back, nodding sharply. "I know."

"Thankyouforcomingso quickly, Mr. Edwards," an officer greets us at the front desk. "Constable Henry is waiting for you. Follow me."

My eyes drift around the police station, noting the officers at desks working on computers and chatting amongst themselves with cups of coffee.

We walk down the corridor, the walls lined with photographs of wanted criminals and missing persons as we pass empty rooms. Finally, the officer stops at the doorway of one, gesturing us inside.

A short, mid-aged man sits at the table inside, his greying beard neatly trimmed as he reads a file in front of him. As we enter, he looks up, standing up.

"Beau Edwards, I presume?" he says before looking at me. "And you are?"

"She's my friend," Beau answers curtly.

The officer's stare lingers on me for a few more seconds before he nods, motioning for us to sit.

As we slip into the chairs across from him, I reach under the table, resting my hand on Beau's as we wait silently for the officer to speak.

"I'm Constable Henry. We've spoken a few times on the phone, Mr. Edwards. As you know, we have been investigating this matter for the past few months. As part of the investigation, we were waiting for medical evidence from Mr. Laney's doctor who took some time to get back to us. We also have yours and your sister's statements, as well as some witness statements."

Beau nods. "And?"