She gives me a sympathetic look, her brain already at the conclusion much faster than mine can process. "It's not too bad. We can give you some antibiotics which will treat it and clear it up for you. You just need to take the course of antibiotics for a few days and refrain from sexual intercourse for a week after. And of course, we always recommend using protection to avoid any risk of catching anything or unwanted pregnancies."

"I'm on the pill…" I say quietly, slumping in my chair.

Gabrielle reaches over and puts her hand on mine. "I'm so sorry. I hope this is all a misunderstanding with your partner. But I do highly advise chatting to him about it as he will need to be tested too and treated. STIs are more common than people think. It's nothing to be ashamed of."

Nodding, I stay quiet, doing my best to keep myself composed. Inside, it feels like my stomach is full of lead, a gut wrenching feeling of betrayal sinking deep.

I take the prescription when she offers it, muttering a quick thanks before hastily leaving the clinic without making eye contact with anyone. I feel dirty, the need to scrub myself with a steel mesh sponge, even though I know it won't do any good.

I have no idea how to confront Aaron about this. I thought everything was fine between us. There's no way I saw this coming. We love each other. You don't cheat on the people you love.

My cell dings as I walk along the road, and I dig into my pocket, checking the text message. I sigh sadly as I open the message from Max.

Maxine: Hey bitch. Are you up for a visitor today? I need someone to help paint my nails for a date tonight.

I type back a quick message, letting her know I don't feel well before heading into the campus pharmacy. My eyes dart around nervously, scared I'll run into someone that I know and have to explain myself. I hand the prescription to the pharmacist, letting it go like it's some contagious virus. I guess, it is… except it's inside of me.

I don't even have any symptoms. How is this even possible?

Standing in the corner with my arms crossed, I hear my cell ding with a reply from Max. I check it quickly, letting out a frustrated groan.

Maxine: Don't be such a baby. I won't be there long. I'll see you in about an hour.

Max has never understood the concept of personal space. That girl is so busy with her head in the clouds, looking for her Prince Charming that she oozes main character energy. I'm just a shitty side character, even in my own life.

When I return home, I grab a glass of water before locking myself in the bathroom. It's just me at home, but I'm so horrified by everything, it just feels safe to be in here.

I take my time, reading over the information pamphlet before taking my first pill. It's only a short course of doxycycline thankfully. It goes down hard, like I'm trying to swallow a soda can. Instantly, my stomach is in knots, the feeling of nausea taking over me as I fight back the urge to exorcism vomit everywhere.

A short time later, I hear the loud, boisterous knock on the apartment door and I gingerly open it. Max has a shopping bag on her shoulder, sunglasses on her head and is dressed like Beach Barbie in a pair of shorts and a top that exposes her stomach.

"About time, woman. You won't believe what I found on sale today at the mall."

I close the door behind her as she lets herself in without me saying anything. She drops the bags on the couch, digging through it before pulling out a silver, sparkly mini dress.

"It's cute," I offer, sitting on the couch.

"It's fucking hot as hell. I'm thinking about going out to the club tomorrow. Do you want to come?"

I groan. "God, no. You abandoned me there the other night. It was horrible."

Max rolls her eyes, holding the dress against her body as she shows it off to me. "I was hoping you'd let loose and dance. Besides, I met the hottest guy there. He's on the campus football team. He's the one taking me out tonight."

"Sounds like… fun."

She lowers the dress, giving me an incredulous look. "Okay, fun police. What's up with you?"

I shake my head. "I'm just not having a great day."

"The sun is shining, Addie. What could possibly be wrong?"

My chin quivers as I hold back tears, causing Max to pause.

"Oh, shit. Did someone die?" she asks in a panic.

"What?" I mutter, shaking my head. "No, no one died."

She groans. "Then what is it?"