He grins. "Thanks. Nothing like a good burger to restore your energy. Speaking of, are you coming out tonight?"

I pause eating. "Out where?"

"The nightclub, of course. I heard you've been there a few times."

"I don't think that's a good idea. I don't mix well with nightclubs," I mumble, shooting Beau a look.

Beau playfully elbows me. "Come on, it will be fun. Besides, this time you will be with us. You don't need alcohol to have fun. Let's just have one night out before classes start. I promise we'll have fun."

I look over at the other two for support. Chase gives me the puppy dog eyes while Jax looks indifferent.

I weigh up my options with my new found positivity, thinking the old Addison would say no. Maybe the new Addison needs to step outside her comfort zone, try new things.

"Okay," I mutter finally. "I'll come."

It'sthelastweekendbefore classes and it seems like every student on campus is either inside the nightclub or lined up outside.

I stand at the end of the line but Beau grabs my elbow, pulling me onto the path and leads us to the door.

"What are we doing?" I ask, peering over my shoulder at the line.

"We're heading in," he says casually.

We reach the head of the line where the bouncers are checking IDs. I expect him to tell us to go to the back of the line, but his face lights up when he sees the guys.

"Beau!" he booms, giving him a handshake. "It's good to see you again. And you brought Jax and Chase with you."

Beau slaps his hand doing that weird shake that guys do. "And this is our friend, Addison," he says, motioning to me.

The bouncer gives me a warm nod, reaching out and shaking my hand. "I'm their fairy godfather, Steve. Well, Beau's godfather, but I've adopted the other two as well. They are kind of a package deal I've come to realize."

I laugh, looking at Beau. "That is true. It's nice to meet you, Steve."

Steve waves us through, hushing some people who moan at the head of the line. We step inside the hot club, the lights blinding me as the guys lead us to the bar.

Beau gives me a quick glance before ordering some drinks at the bar that I don't catch. I stiffen when Chase moves beside me, his hand sliding down my back and grabbing my ass.

"What are you doing?" I hiss quietly at him in surprise.

"Just copping a feel," he grins. "Don't worry. It's just to help you loosen up and get some attention. Guys always want what guys can't have. If guys see you with us, they will automatically want you. Besides, who could blame them when you look like sunshine?"

Chase and his fashion expertise dressed me for our night off. He opted for the yellow sun dress that I wore on my date with Oliver. It makes me stick out like a sore thumb in the club, with most people in darker colors. Apparently there's a method to his madness because already, people are turning heads to look at me.

It unsettles me, the new attention, but the new Addison is going to go along with it.

Confidence is the best look you can wear.

Well, that's what Chase told me anyway when he cornered me in the bathroom and started trying to dress me up like a Barbie Doll.

Beau hands me a drink and I immediately recognize it as a vodka sunshine. I take a sip, pleased with the taste and the guys motion for us to go sit in an empty booth.

Our asses are barely touching the seats when a tanned-skin, blue eyed man makes his way over.

"Do you want to dance?" he asks, ignoring the guys and looking at me.

"Uh…" I mumble, looking at them for help.

Chase kicks me under the table. "Yes, you do. Go on."