Thenextday,Iwake bright and early for work. I have a small part-time job at the campus coffee shop. It's not much, but it helps bring in extra money to survive on.
The last few days, the shop has been getting busier as students start returning for classes. I might be vastly different from a lot of my peers, but if there's one thing we have in common, it's our love of caffeine.
As I head into the coffee shop, there's already a small line at the counter with the early risers. I give a quick wave to Megan at the till as I walk past, heading to the back of the shop to drop off my personal belongings and grab an apron. Megan gives me a little nod and smile before turning her attention back to her customer. Her fire-red hair is placed in a tight ponytail, swinging back and forth as she moves around to take orders.
Tying the black apron around my waist, I adjust my shorts before heading out to the counter, tapping Greg on the shoulder as he froths some milk.
"Hi, stranger," he grins, barely watching the milk as it heats up.
"I'd say good morning but it's much too early," I laugh, grabbing another carton of milk from the fridge and putting it on the counter for him.
Greg lets out a hearty laugh, pouring the milk into a disposable coffee cup and topping off the cappuccino with chocolate powder. "I'll make you a coffee shortly. The usual?"
I nod gratefully. "You spoil me."
The man has been blessed by the Coffee Gods. Seriously, if there was a competition for the world's best barista, he would win it. And don't even get me started on his creamer artwork.
I head over to Megan, putting my hand on her back to alert her to my presence. "Do you want me to take over here for you?"
"Yes, please," she mutters, finishing off an order. "I'm due for my ten minute break and I need to go to the toilet."
She slips out of her spot, making a dash for the back room as I take over her place. I greet the next customer warmly, getting into the rhythm as I start taking orders for Greg.
As the line finally dwindles down enough for me to have a breath, I help myself to a muffin in the glass cabinet, quickly devouring it before the door opens again. The bonus about working here is we have free coffee and food while on shift, something I definitely take advantage of.
I've just finished eating my blueberry muffin when two guys walk inside, making a beeline for the counter. My eyes widen slightly as I recognize one of them to be the guy from the club the other night.
"Hey!" I say warmly, giving him a smile like I'm greeting an old friend.
He looks at me, raising an eyebrow in confusion. "Hey,” he replies hesitantly.
I blink a few times before shifting my gaze to his friend. Next to him, a slightly shorter guy with a similar build stares intensely at the food in the glass cabinet. His green eyes scan over the contents as his dirty sandy blond hair almost falls into his eyes.
Brushing aside my embarrassment, I tap the screen, ready to take their order. "At least the humidity has let up a little bit today. It was really bad the other night."
The guy shifts almost uncomfortably, but doesn't avert his eyes. "Yeah… it's been a bit shit."
I'm speechless. This guy is acting like he's never seen or spoken to me before in his life. Maybe he was absolutely drunk the other night and has forgotten about our brief encounter at the club. It stings a little bit, but I'm used to being invisible, so I guess I'm just easily forgettable too.
"What can I get you?" I ask, changing the subject.
"A short black for me. Chase, what do you want?"
The sandy blond guy straightens up, looking at me for the first time. He gives me a small smile, reaching into his back pocket to fetch his wallet. "A latte with almond milk, extra shot. And also a ham and cheese danish, thanks."
"No problem," I reply, tapping the screen. I point to the total screen for them, as the dark haired guy holds up a hand to his friend.
"I've got this one."
"Thanks, Jax," the blond, I'm assuming who is Chase, replies.
I give them both a tight smile as I process their payment and let them know we will call out their coffees and food shortly. I'm still confused as hell, wondering if perhaps I imagined the interaction the other night. Secretly, I pray that he forgets how weird I'm being and that Greg makes their coffees fast.
The two of them stand away from the line, chatting amongst themselves as they wait. When Greg hands me their coffees, I give them a little wave to signal them. Dark eyes gaze over me again curiously, and I can see the wheels trying to turn in his head as he tries to place me. I brush them off quickly, passing them the coffees and food before turning to my next customer. Out of the corner of my eye, I see them leave, and I let out a sigh of relief from my socially awkward personality.
Chapter 3
I'mstillhalfasleepwhen my cell phone rings, bringing me out of my slumber. I fumble for the ringing rectangle death clock, answering the unknown number as I force myself to sit up.