I take a good look at her, amazed at the warmth in her hazel eyes as she watches me concerned.

"It's 6am. If you're not exercising, why are you at the track?" I ask, noticing she's in non-athletic clothing.

She smiles. "I'm meeting my brother. He's one of those psychos that likes exercise. Me? Not so much. It definitely doesn't run in the family. No pun intended."

Laughing, we shift off the field as a group of sprinters run past us. "Plus," she adds, "I don't mind coming this early to see him. Gives me a chance to perve on the fit guys."

Our eyes follow a solo runner as he goes past, him giving her a little wink as he does. I shake my head playfully.

"I guess I can see the value in that. But I'm not a morning person usually so I'm not sure I'll be doing this again. My ego can't handle any more beatings if I keep eating grass every morning."

She holds out her hand. "I'm Chrizzy. Well, Crystal. But Chrizzy for short. Non-runner and theatre major. The most running I do is across stage and even then, I need at least five full business days to recover."

I take her hand, giving her a warm smile. "Addison. I'm doing journalism. I just prefer chasing news on social media."

"Oh, I agree, Addison. Well, it's lovely to meet you. Oh, there's my brother now finally."

I squint my eyes in the light as I spot someone running towards us. Their black figure slowly starts illuminating as my vision clears and my eyes widen slightly when he stops next to us.

"Addie, what are you doing here?"

Beau looks between me and Chrizzy, surprised. Chrizzy looks at him carefully, raising an eyebrow.

"You know Addison? I just rescued her from your death sport. Have you been influencing people again? I'll kick your ass if you hurt my new friend."

I turn away slightly, pretending to watch some runners and acting like I don't want the ground to open up and swallow me whole right now. I haven't spoken to Beau since our awkward conversation last night and it's bad enough, he has to find me in such a compromising position. And with his sister nonetheless. Crystal looks nothing like him and Jax, and the irony isn't lost on me at how small this world is. Only Addison Holland would be able to find the one person in this entire campus who could make this even more awkward.

"Yeah, I know Addie. We're friends. And no, I haven't forced her to take up running, which leaves the question: what are you doing out here?" he directs the last part to me.

He looks at me accusingly, knowing full well that physical activity and me do not mix well. We didn't cross paths when I left the apartment this morning so he appears just as surprised to see me.

"I just wanted to try running. You know… endorphins and stuff," I mumble weakly.

Beau blinks, turning to Chrizzy. "She doesn't run."

"Evidently," Chrizzy snickers. "I might take her for a recovery coffee while you do your death thing. Get her away from this Hell track."

"Coffee sounds good but I have to actually go do something," I say to her, desperate to get away from Beau before I faint from humiliation.

The two of them look at me suspiciously as I start walking backwards, giving them both a forced smile. "It was great to meet you, Chrizzy. We'll do a rain check on that coffee. Beau, I'll see you later."

Beau hesitates for a moment before finally nodding. "Yes, you will."


That did not go as planned. World's biggest fail goes to me.

I'm meant to be glowing with endorphins, feeling on top of the world. Instead, I'm trapped with nowhere to go.

I can't hang around on campus because knowing my luck, I'll run into Aaron. Going back to the apartment sounds just as terrifying because I'll have to face Chase and Jax. But what choice do I have right now? I need to go sit down after my incredible dirt eating morning.

I take my time getting back to the apartment, opening the door slowly. The guys had given me a spare key yesterday so at least I don't have to knock to be let in.

When I step inside the apartment, I'm surprised to find it's quiet. I can hear faint sounds coming from their bedrooms, indicating they are awake.

I consider my options – lock myself in the bathroom, hang on the couch or…

I could go inside Beau's bedroom.