"It's on mine," Chase snickers to himself, copping an elbow in the ribs from Beau.

I gape at them incredulously. "You're serious? You want to teach me how to have sex?"

"We want to teach you how to enjoy yourself, escape the bullshit in your life with a healthy outlet, and feel safe and in control," Beau shoots back. "You wouldn't have to do anything you don't want to. We can go as fast or slow as you like. You would be in control,somewhat.It's about you."

Shaking my head, I look away. "I don't know… it seems risky. I'm not the type of girl that does things like that."

"Maybe not," Chase points out. "But you're the type of girl who deserves better. And like I said, friends help each other out. Let us help you, Addie. Pick yourself for once."

Chapter 12

Ican'tsleepthatnight after our vaginal work experience conversation. The guys dropped the conversation shortly after and we finished the movie, but there was an awkward silence between all of us when we went to bed.

As the sun broke through the windows, I decided to do the unthinkable, the unimaginable for Addison Hollard.

I went for a fucking run.

Exercise is good for you. Exercise is healthy… exercise gives you endorphins and makes you feel good.

Except about half way around the athletics track, I came to a pretty horrifying conclusion.

I. can't. run.

If there was an award for sounding like a breathless, dying hyena, I would win it. My shorts are rubbing against my thighs, my feet slipping inside my shoes as I try to run along the grassy track inside the lines.

The early morning runners overtake me with ease, but to their credit, most of them don't acknowledge me. They pretend they can't hear the groans and sounds coming from my mouth, or see me tripping over my own feet.

A few of them have earphones in, listening to music. Maybe that's the key to success – if you drown out your own sounds, you can pretend you aren't dying. Except, my legs are starting to buckle and sweat is dripping into my eyes, burning them like acid.

Who on Earth thought this was a good idea? Better yet, why do people subject themselves to running?

I was supposed to feel fulfilled, sated, energetic… instead I'm praying for death.

The alternative is sex with three complete strangers. Will that also equal certain death?

"Ahh!" I let out a scream as my feet trip again, but this time I don't manage to catch myself in time. I hit the grassy field, doing some weird roll while my legs flail in the air. My shirt bundles up, almost exposing my lady cannons to the world.

Tiny pieces of grass end up in my mouth and I start trying to spit them out as I vividly remember watching drunk college guys pee on the grass last year.

"Shit, fuck… shit," I curse, pushing myself up to my knees.

"Are you okay?" comes a voice from somewhere behind me.

I swing my head around, hissing when I accidentally look directly towards the sun to find the voice. I cover my eyes and try again, spotting a young woman staring down at me with concern.

"Uh, I'm okay," I mumble, pushing off the ground.

She holds out her hand and I pause, taking it and allowing this angel of a stranger to help me stand up.

"You took a really big tumble," she says, looking me up and down.

I follow her line of vision, brushing grass and dirt off my clothes. "Yeah. I'm not much of a runner if you can't tell."

"Well, good on you for still trying," she says warmly. She reaches over and brushes the back of my shirt.

"Thank you," I mutter, embarrassed. "Exercise they said, it will be good, they said."

"Fuck exercise," she laughs, brushing her brown hair off her shoulder.