"It wouldn't make them uncomfortable," he says, his eyes darting down to my lips.

I try to avoid the swirling feeling in the pit of my stomach and resist the urge to lick my lips. "How about we go sort out some dinner and we can talk more about the blackmail?" I offer, changing the subject.

Chase's eyes narrow slightly as he looks at me carefully before nodding. "Okay, Hurricane. Let's go sort something out for dinner."

Iofferedtomakenoodles for everyone but the guys decided to order pizza. I tried to give them money but they ignored me, telling me my money was no good here. Stupid saying really – I never understand the difference between good money and bad money.

I have to admit though, pizza goes down hard after bathroom cries and best friend betrayals.

"Put that Ryan Reynolds movie on. The one where he eats potatoes out of an asshole," Chase tells Jax as the latter grabs the remote.

We're all holed up on the carpeted floor in front of the couch, pizza boxes scattered in front of us. Jax laughs, flicking through the options. "You mean Deadpool. Christ, don't go and say shit like that in public. You'll scare people."

"It's almost as bad as anal pimple," I chime in before taking a huge bite of my slice of cheese pizza.

Beau reaches over to me to grab a slice from the box, his arm brushing against me. I wait for him to move back, but he shifts closer to me without looking over.

Apparently I'm told that a college staple is beer with pizza. I've never been much of a beer drinker, but agreed to give it another shot. Besides, Chase hasn't steered me wrong yet with his alcohol and food pairings.

I take a sip from the bottle, my face twitching a little at the unfamiliar bitter taste. I eat more pizza, deciding that beer and pizzaisa good combination.

Deadpool starts playing on the tv, the four of us watching as dirty jokes and violence assault us in a delicious way. The beer starts working its way into my system, relaxing me. I start to forget about my crappy day, enjoying the feeling of being full of carbs and… more carbs.

I'm squished in between Chase and Beau quite tightly, the two of them brushing against me every so often. I'm oddly comfortable with them given everything lately, something I didn't think was possible.

"So," Beau says when the movie goes into a quiet scene. "A little birdie told me that you might need sex to escape."

My pizza slips from my fingers, bouncing off my leg and leaving a smear of tomato sauce on my leg before it falls back into the pizza box.

"Chase!" I yell, looking at him accusingly. "Did you tell them?"

Chase pulls a long face, looking away innocently. "Maybe…"

I cover my face with my hands, groaning. "Dammit. I told you I didn't want to make them uncomfortable and it was a bad idea."

"It doesn't make us uncomfortable," Beau answers. "We're friends. Friends help each other."

"Friends help each other with advice and they buy each other coffee occasionally. Friends don't have sex with each other," I mumble into my hands.

I can't look at any of them in the face right now. I'm so embarrassed I might spontaneously combust on the spot.

"Friends help their friends de-stress," Chase adds. "And at the moment, you need to de-stress."

I rip my hands away from my face and pick up my beer. "I'm already drinking, you maniac! That's how normal people de-stress."

"It's really not," mutters Jax. "People also have sex."

Feeling crowded, I stand up, moving a few feet away. I look at the three of them sitting cross-legged on the floor, innocent looks on their sneaky ass faces.

"We cannot have sex. I can't have sex with you, or you, or you," I say, pointing at each of them for emphasis.

"You can pick one of us, if that makes you feel more at ease. My God, you're tense," Chase replies, fighting back a smirk.

I stomp my foot in frustration. "I have to live here for the foreseeable future. I can't be banging you. Besides I have Tinder if I get desperate, I guess," I groan, pulling a face.

Beau leans his back against the couch, stretching his legs out on the floor. "Put it this way, Addie. We can teach you to feel more confident with dating and sex. It will also do you a world of good to feel relieved and comfortable in your own body. It doesn't have to mean anything. We can even make a contract up, think of it like work experience."

"Vaginal work experience is not on my to-do list, Beau."