Ittookalotof convincing to get me to leave the apartment at 3:45pm. My nerves reached overdrive but after a physical shove out of the door, I made my way to the coffee shop. I stood under the same tree as yesterday, playing with my cell nervously while I waited.

At 4pm on the dot, I sensed someone watching me, and looked up to find Oliver in the flesh.

"Wow, Addison. You're a vision. Literally – a summer vision in yellow," he says, looking me up and down.

I let out a nervous laugh as I close my cell. "Thank you. It was probably easy to spot me."

Oliver nods enthusiastically, his warm smile putting me at ease. "I was really happy you asked to meet up. Girls usually wait for me to ask… or just stop replying all together," he adds as an afterthought.

I keep my face and body composed, my secret under wraps. "Yeah. I had the afternoon free and figured why not. I'm glad you were available."

He grins, revealing cute little dimples in his cheeks. "Definitely. When a pretty girl asks, you answer."

I look away at the compliment, fighting back the huge unfamiliar smile that threatens to break out on my face. The guys were right – it's nice getting a little bit of attention. It's making me realize how much I missed it with Aaron.

"Do you want to get some coffee?" I ask, motioning to the shop.

Oliver smiles. "Yeah. Let me get the door for you."

I'm a little overwhelmed by the chivalry, but allow myself to soak it in as we head inside. I spot Greg behind the counter, making coffee. He spots me, doing a double take before giving me a grin as we approach the counter.

Another colleague, Terry, is on today. The poor girl looks a little flustered at the till, her hair frazzled as she tries to keep up with orders. She only started last week as she's new to campus about to start her Freshman year. My heart aches a little as I remember what it was like to be new and in demand by the caffeine savages.

"Take a breath," I say encouragingly. "Remember – coffees and drinks are in the blue tab, food in the green, and other items in the yellow. Blue for beverage, G for get in my belly, and Y for why is this in a separate tab."

Terry lets out a shaky laugh, relief washing over her face. "You've been a God-send, Addie. I swear I'll pick it up eventually."

I nod. "You will. It took me a few weeks but now it's second nature."

I guide her through the prompts as we order our coffees, taking our time so she can digest the information. I give Greg a little wave as we stand off to the side, making idle chit-chat while we wait.

When our coffees are done, we decide to head outside to sit on one of the benches. It's hot, but there's something nice about sitting in the shade outside on a day like today. Maybe it's because for the first time in ages, I feel like I'm glowing.

"You were so good with her," Oliver remarks, leaning back on the bench with his iced mocha.

"I just remember how stressful it is starting your first job," I laugh. I opted for an iced caramel latte with extra caramel and chocolate flakes. It's a silly combination, but Greg also spoils me with whipped cream so it's a sugar rush that I don't get to enjoy often unless I'm working.

Oliver stretches his arm along the top of the bench, his fingers innocently grazing my back. I blush, shifting in my spot as I cross my legs and watch people walk by. They don't pay us any mind, and I do my best to sound interesting as we talk about upcoming classes.

I lean back more, my breathing stopping slightly as Oliver puts his arm around my shoulders. I give him a small smile, and continue talking, enjoying the attention.

We're just getting into some hobbies and the usual small talk, when a flash of movement breaks through my peripheral vision and in the next moment, Oliver is on the ground.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Aaron sneers at me, standing over Oliver.

Chapter 9

Igasp,leapingupfrom my spot on the bench, staring down at Oliver, horrified.

"Get away from him," I cry, moving to reach for Oliver.

Aaron shoves me back, his eyes flaring up before turning his attention to Oliver. I scream as Aaron leans down, landing a fist into Oliver's face.

Oliver kicks his legs towards Aaron, brushing his calf slightly. "Fuck off, you lunatic!" he yells, moving back. "Who the fuck are you?"

"Me?" Aaron barks back. "I'm her boyfriend. Who the fuck areyou?"

Oliver glares at me accusingly and I shake my head in shock and disbelief. "We just broke up. Aaron, leave him alone!"