I shake my head. "Not really. My family is out of state. As for friends," I pause, imagining living with Maxine, "it wouldn't be a good idea."

I can't fathom the idea of living with Max. Even though she has the space, we'd clash together. Not to mention she prefers her alone time and space for dates and parties.

"Just stay here for a day or two then," Beau says firmly. "It's close to campus. We can help you grab some stuff from your apartment. Besides, it's quiet here. We're usually out training when we aren't in class."


My eyes hover over the trophies and medals again. I make out little figurines on top of the trophies of people running and spot ribbons laying flat on the shelf.

"We're track athletes with the campus team. Nothing too exciting," Chase shrugs.

"You only say that because you're currently ranked number one," Jax mutters, annoyed.

Chase laughs, grinning at me. "Jax is a little sour. He's number two."

"And he never lets us forget it," Jax snaps.

I smile at the exchange. "I can't run to save my life. So, you're doing better than me. What about you?" I direct to Beau.

He shrugs nonchalantly. "I try not to pay attention to stats. I'm only trying to compete with myself – be better than I was in the previous race."

"He's fifth," Chase snorts. "Used to be first, but someone has been slacking off the past few months."

The way Beau stiffens next to me, I can't help but feel there's a reason for it. But it's not my place in pry. I'm just grateful that I have a safe place to crash for a few days.

I give them all a warm, thankful look. "Well, I can cook awesome noodles. In fact, I'd say I'm the best at it."

Ipauseoutsidethecomplex doors, hesitating. After much procrastinating, I finally agreed to come back a few hours later when I realized it was getting late and I'd need clothes and personal belongings.

Beau offered to come with me, while the other two organized dinner. I was feeling pretty calm about it, until we reached my complex and I spotted Aaron's car back in its usual spot.

"What's wrong?" asks Beau, pausing beside me.

"He's home, I think," I say softly. "It might be best if you wait down here."

Beau scoffs, reaching for the door handle. "Not a chance. Come on, let's get this over with."

He strolls into the building, leaving me at the door. I spring into action, chasing after him.

"He's going to flip out," I argue weakly, watching as Beau presses the up arrow on the elevator.

"Let him," he says casually.

My heart pounds in my chest as Beau waits for no one, heading to my apartment. I guess he remembers the way considering he had to bring my drunk ass home last night.

When we reach my door, at least he stops, waiting for me. I half-expected him to let himself in, but he stands to the side, letting me open the door.

I put the key in the lock slowly, doing my best to not projectile vomit all over the door. Before I can turn the key, the door opens up, revealing a frantic Aaron.

"Thank God, Addie. I was so worried about you."

Chapter 7

Aaronpullsmeinfor a hug, wrapping his arms tightly around me as he breathes in my hair. "Don't take off again, Addie. I've been worried sick."

I tense up in his grip, confused and speechless. Behind us, I can feel Beau lingering with uncertainty, watching the exchange.

Finally, Aaron releases me, peering down at me with his big blue eyes. The look is so convincing that even I start to question everything.