I freeze. "What?"

He raises his glass, taking a sip of his beer. "Was he with another guy? A little shorter than me, blond hair – probably in his own little world because he’s not a morning person?"


He nods. "That's my brother, Jax, and our friend, Chase. Small world," he mutters.

My cheeks flush red as I look away, sipping my drink way too quickly. "You look identical."

"So, I've been told."

The awkward tension tugs at us and as the slurp sounds get louder, I glance down and groan at my now-empty drink. "Fuck."

"I'll buy you another one."

"I don't even know your name. You can't buy drinks for people if you don't know their names."

He laughs, reaching for the empty glass in my hand. He pries it away from me. "People have been buying strangers drinks in bars for decades. But if it helps, I'm Beau."

"Beau," I repeat. "I'm the insane girl you rescued from the club and mistook you for your brother."

"Sounds pretty normal to me. What's your name?"

I push off from the wall, my legs wobbling a little. "Addison."

Beau offers his elbow as I stumble again. I wrap my arm through his, letting him lead us to the bar. "And why are you drunk, Addison?"

"Because I have chlamydia."

I curse myself for blurting out quite possibly the worst thing to tell a stranger. I wait for him to look at me in disgust like Aaron did, but he only looks surprised as he keeps holding me up.

"And that has upset you?"

I laugh, putting my hands on the bar to steady myself when we reach it. "Not as much as finding out it was from my cheating boyfriend."

"Ahh," Beau says, nodding. "I see the problem."

The bartender walks over to us, looking at me in concern again before glancing back at Beau. Beau holds up two fingers. "Two waters with lemon, thanks."

"I thought you were buying me a drink," I mumble.

Beau smiles down at me. "Well, I changed my mind. Now that I know you are shit-faced, I think it's best to get some water into your system."

"Don't do anything nice for me. I really don't think I can handle it right now."

His smile drops, his obsidian eyes narrowing slightly. "Okay, who is this dude and why has he got you like this?"

I shrug. "It's my fault. Apparently I'm the cheater."

"Sounds like a narcissistic anal pimple, if you ask me," Beau mumbles, handing me the glass of water from the bartender.

I take a sip, letting out a little throaty moan from the lemon aftertaste. "He's not so bad. I'm just difficult to be with sometimes."

My head starts thumping from the music, my hand rubbing my forehead. As the seconds pass, I feel more and more woozy, my brain foggy. On the plus side, it's drowning out the incessant internal chatter.

I feel an arm loop around my waist, guiding me. Either the room is really dark or I'm walking with my eyes closed because I can't see anything.

A warm breeze tickles my face as Beau's fuzzy voice reaches my ears. "What's your address, Addison?"