Page 94 of Sure

He collapses on top of me, the sensation of his body weight pushing me into the bed a welcome, delicious moment in and of itself. My hands stroke softly up and down his spine, through the sweat of his exertion, and I turn my head and kiss him softly on the cheek.

After a minute or two he rolls off me, pulling out of me with a wet sound, his softening dick lying against him, still large and formidable even after having expended itself.

“That was much better than I expected it would be.”

Colton’s head jerks to the side to look at me in shock, before he rolls his eyes at my teasing expression.

“Yeah, it wasn’t bad for me either. I guess.”

We smile at each other for a moment, and then Colton leans in and presses a kiss against my lips.

“I’ll be right back,” he tells me, before pushing out of the bed and heading into my bathroom.

I hear water running for a second before he returns with a warm, damp cloth, which he uses to help me clean up. It’s another moment of intimacy I don’t expect from Colton. A kind of care I wouldn’t assume.

But just as quickly as that care has been given, Colton pulls back and tugs on the sweatpants that are lying haphazardly at the end of the bed.

“You’re going back to your room?” I ask, trying to keep the disappointment out of my voice.

Colton nods. “Yeah. You know, with Teddy…I don’t want him to wake up and not know where I am.”

My head bobs in agreement, but we both know it’s been weeks since Teddy has crawled out of bed in the middle of the night, so it’s a lie he knows I’m letting him get away with.

“Why did you call my parents?”

At his question, my eyes fly up to connect with his.

He doesn’t look upset. There’s actually no anger or negative emotion evident in his expression at all. Just curiosity.

I shrug, looking down at my fingernails for a second before returning my eyes to Colton’s.

“I just thought…if I had parents like Colton’s, I’d want them in my corner if something was going wrong.”

His head tilts to the side, like he doesn’t fully understand my answer. But ultimately, he seems to accept it.

Then he crosses the room and presses a kiss to my forehead before saying good night and heading to the door.

“Hey Colton,” I call after him as he stands in the now open doorway.

He glances back at me, and in that moment, I can see the pleasure of the night creeping away and the fear of tomorrow slowly returning.

“Everything is going to turn out okay.”

He nods, gives me a tight turn of his lips, then closes the door and heads back to his own room.

It sounds like a bullshit promise I can’t keep. It sounds like I’m waxing poetic when the reality is very different. And who knows, maybe I’m doing both of those things.

What I do know for certain is that Colton needs to be surrounded by people who are on his side. People who believe things will turn out for the best, who know how much he loves his son and have faith that that love is all that’s really needed to make this situation turn out okay.

I will continue to be those things for Colton and Teddy, for as long as I can, whether he believes the things I say or not.


The next day, Colton lets me know he has a substitute covering for his class and we’re going to spend the day at his parents’ hotel. I’m going with to help watch Teddy and give Colton a chance to talk everything over with his parents.

So we load up the car with just about everything Teddy might need and head out to Santa Barbara, to a boutique hotel with a large pool overlooking the ocean.

“Good to see you, Ms. Burns,” Roger says as he pulls open their hotel room door. “Glad to see my son hasn’t run you off.”