Page 85 of Sure

At that, he loses the gruff expression, an irritated smile crossing his face.

“I was actually hoping to suck her clit, but if you keep sassing me like this, maybe I won’t.”

I bite my lip and grind myself against him under the water, where I can feel him thick and hard and ready.

“You like me sassy.”

He groans, his eyes dropping to my lips. “Ain’t that the truth.”

And then his mouth is on mine, the two of us kissing in a way that feels like an argument, except we’re both winning. His tongue strokes against mine with power and confidence, and I give it right back to him. All the while I continue rotating my hips against him beneath the water.

“Fuck,” he whispers, his hands dropping to my hips, giving me a bit more pressure, pushing me harder against him.

One of his hands moves, gripping the tie at the hip of my bottoms and giving it a tug, the material slowly falling away in the water. Then his fingers are there, touching me where I’m desperate for him. Strumming between my legs and making me whimper with need.

“Brace yourself,” he tells me before his hands move to my thighs and he hoists me out of the water, setting me bare-assed on the edge with my legs wide.

Then he’s bringing my knees over his shoulders and pressing his face between my thighs, his scruffy beard scratching deliciously at my thighs and his warm tongue swiping between my lips over and over again, circling my clit until I’m desperate.

“God, I want you inside me,” I tell him, and a second later, I feel two fingers sliding into me, the pressure and fullness making me fall back to brace myself with my hands against the warm concrete.

He pumps in and out, over and over, until I can’t take it anymore. Until I’m churning up the mountain, my hips twisting as I seek the top.

He sucks my clit into his mouth and I fly over the ledge, crying out in pleasure as my body jerks and my muscles seize and release with orgasm. The pulsing inside of me is almost too much to handle.

When I’m done, I look down at Colton with a smile.

“I gotta say, when you tell me you’re gonna suck my clit, you mean it.”

He chuckles, wiping his mouth on the inside of my thigh, then pushes back and moves to get out of the pool. I can see his erection tenting his swim trunks as he helps me up to standing and I re-tie my bathing suit.

“I’m glad you asked me to join you,” he tells me. “It’s always an adventure.”

Slipping my hand into his, I give him a tug.

“Don’t think we’re done here, mister,” I say, pushing open the gate and walking up the deck to the back door, dragging Colton behind me. “We still have to rinse off, and I’m pretty sure I know of a very bad employee who wants to suck her boss’s dick.”

Colton laughs. “The things you say.”

I wink at him, bite my lip, and tug him inside, both of us dripping water along the way and not caring in the slightest.


“You are just a genius little man, aren’t you?”

Teddy giggles and claps his hands together, getting even more flour on his face. On his clothes. On the floor.

I made the rookie mistake of going to the bathroom while Teddy sat on the living room floor, playing with those special markers that don’t write on fabrics. That shit is fancy, and I figured ‘What’s the worst that can happen?’

Well, this might not be the worst, but it is definitely a mess.

So I turn lemons into lemonade.

Teddy opened the cabinets during my brief moment away and pulled a bag of flour onto the floor? Let’s make brownies.

Now, the mess is even larger than it was before. Teddy is covered in flour and chocolate, as am I. It’s also on the kitchen counter and floor, and I’m pretty sure if I wipe off the white cabinets, I’ll find some there as well.

I just feel lucky that I grabbed him before he ran through the house.